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"Nicholai, what the fuck are you doing"

"I missed you Remy," he says stepping closer to me

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"I missed you Remy," he says stepping closer to me. My stomach twists in all kinds of knots with having him this close and touching me.

Every muscle in my body is pulled taught to keep myself from leaning into his body heat.

"I'll never leave you again baby" he exhales deeply, the breath brushing harshly against the side of my face. I watch the muscle in his jaw tick not knowing what to reply to his statement with because I hope he never leaves again and that's not what I'm supposed to be hoping for.

He's not what I want.

I don't say anything as I place my small hand against his broad chest pushing him back. I duck my head, walking to the driver's side of the car, and getting in.

He gets in the passenger side and I know I should tell him to get out but I don't. I drive Nichole all the way to daycare with him in the passenger seat. I watch him get Nichole out of the car and kiss her on the cheek before telling her to "wave bye-bye to mommy" and pointing towards me. It warms my heart to see him being a dad, no matter how fucked up Nicholai was in the head I always knew he would be a great dad to Nichole.

I watch him get in back in the car and put his pale hand on my thigh as he man spread in the white leather car seat. I let him keep his hand there, even at times I lightly trace my fingers over the veins on his hand, stopping at the black pandora bracelet I got him for Father's Day.

I drive all the way home listening to Drake play from my speakers. I turn it down when the bass drops and Nicholai's hand tightens on my thigh.

When I pull up to my complex and turn the car off and we both sit in silence waiting for the other to speak.

"Where will you be staying" my voice cut through the tense silence. I lick my lips turning my head toward the passenger seat to see Nicholai already staring at me.

"Probably with Kathy" He took a deep inhale, poking the inside of his cheek as if he was aggravated or stressed. The only person that should be stressed is me.

"No and since when do you give people nicknames" I mean mug him because I NEVER had a nickname even when I told him my nicknames he never called me them.

"She told me to call her that, what do you mean no"

"Please don't piss me off Nicholai"

"You're always pissed off princess"

I take a deep breath to keep myself from stealing off on him in this parking lot. He's lucky we're not in my apartment.

"Don't "princess" me. I told you to call me by my nicknames and you never called me by my nicknames. What's so special about her" I didn't mean to sound like a delusional, jealous girlfriend but the words were already out so too bad.

"That wasn't even your real name Remy. What time should I pick Nichole up"

"I didn't agree to that bull shit"

"Stop cursing, when did your mouth get so dirty"

"Ok," I'm not going to argue with this man. My stress levels have never been this high, got my Apple watch alerting me and shit. He stares at me waiting for my answer which he won't be receiving today or tomorrow.

"Please get out of my car," I asked nicely. We wait a couple of minutes before he gets out. As soon as his door closes I leave the complex, my heart dropping when I nearly hit a Rolls Royce 'boat tail' on my wait out of the parking lot. I have a silent ride to my nearest friend's house.

I pull into the parking lot of my best friend, Wrenity's, neighborhood. I park in her driveway before speed walking to her door and banging on it.

Her husband, Josiah opened the door looking like he just woke up. I look at the gun being held tightly in his hand.

"boy bye," I roll my eyes pushing him out of the way and walking upstairs to their room.

I knock on the door because of boundaries or whatever. She opens the door in her robe pulling me into a hug, having to stand on his tippy toes cause she's like 3'2.

"Hi baby, you okay," She asked looking like a concerned mother. She walks me to her office and we sit on her couch.

"Yes but Nicholai came back and he gave this random ass girl that met at the hospital a nickname but couldn't call me by my nickname. AND he kept telling me to watch my mouth like I'm a CHILD"

"Oh okay," she said smiling at me.

"Bitch what"

"Sorry, you do curse a lot and these problems you're telling me about don't seem that serious"

"he comes back out of nowhere and he demands I let him pick her up"

"Why are you acting like he hasn't been in Nichole's life at all and he just popped up? He is far from a deadbeat chile"

I think about what she's saying, not having a response to her logical question.

"It's just a lot, he didn't tell me anything about him coming," I nibble on my bottom lip, feeling antsy.

"Well, you were ignoring his calls."

"Don't piss me off."

"Sorry, anyway, are you going to let him pick Nichole up."

"Yea, I told him I wasn't going to but now that you made it clear that my reasoning is dumb as hell I'll text him the time."

"Great, you want to help me cook."

"No, but I'll stay, watch and taste it for you."

"Don't piss me off Remy," She rolls her eyes, repeating my words to me.

"Okay, whatever, let's go," I say getting up and walking to the kitchen. While I'm walking I get on my phone and text Nicholai.

Today 8:45 am

Read at 8:15 AM

Yes, Remy

You can pick Nichole
up at 1:30

Okay, thank you

You're welcome, where are
you right now

I'm in the lobby since
you don't want me to
stay with Katherine

Oh, okay
Read at 8:21 AM

Today 9:25 AM

You can stay with me
if you want to

I would like that Remy

"Come taste test this Remy," Wren broke my train of thought. Josiah came into the kitchen looking butt hurt with a pout on his lips.

"I'm your taste tester."

"Boy bye," I say eating the fork full off pasta Wren fed me. He was always hating on me.

don't be ghost readers, kisses

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