|Chapter 38| The Breaking Point

Start from the beginning

"Everything is ok... When will you come home?"

His voice reached my ears after some moment

"I have just have another meeting. After that I'll be free to come. Also, I need to ask you something?"

My eyebrows furrowed together before I asked him

"What is it?"

After a second, he stated

"Can you make biryani for me today? I have a sudden craving for it."

A smile made its way of my lips. How time had passed? First he wouldn't eat anything made by my hands and now he himself asking me to make something for him.

Indeed, those who wait will receive the best only. I nodded my head although he couldn't see me. I then stated happily

"Ok, I'll make it. Come home soon."

He chuckled before humming in response and I hang up the phone. I seriously can't believe how far we have come in our relationship.

Our relationship that started from hate had now started to change into something different. Something I still couldn't pin point. But we are now civil. Infact, we have passed that civil phase too.

We act like a normal happy married couple. Maybe, it's because we both have accepted our fate and now are trying to make our relationship work. Which is why it is working too. He had apologized for his behavior countless times now and I have forgiven him.

I am not the one who hold grudges. Holding grudges will achieve us nothing but doubts and regrets. Our lives are already short. Why waste it on trivial matters? We can enjoy our lives so much without involving these unnecessary agreements in between.

I placed the phone back on the dresser before exiting the room. It's already 6 in the evening. I have to prepare the dinner. I closed the door before descending downstairs to the kitchen..


I was busy preparing the chicken gravy for the biryani. No one was present in the kitchen. Everyone was either in living room or their own rooms respectively. The maids had also gone to their head quarters since at night, the dinner is prepared by the house members only.

I was busy chopping the onions for the salad when I heard footsteps coming inside the kitchen. I thought it was Kinza since no one came here when they saw me working here.

So, I paid no heed to it and remained busy in my own work. I almost forgot the other presence in the room if not the person decided to make his presence known

"Quit the act, will you?"

I knew that voice. I turned around and saw her standing their with her arms crossed around her chest. Zarnish. I don't know what's her problem is? Why can't she let me live in peace? I never butted in her matters. I stared at her for few moments before resuming back to my work.

I don't want to indulge in useless arguments. I have better things to take care of. But she was in another mood. She came close to me before jerking my arm off causing me to drop the knife on the plate.

I snatched my arm off her before a look of surprise washed over her. She snickered dryly before mocking me

"Quite feisty han!!"

Her voice rose fo particular extent. I rolled my eyes. Allah! What is her problem? She glared hard at me before muttering

"You are a gold digger. You came here or steal everything from us. Infact, you have stolen almost everything. But I won't let you steal Shah Zain from me. I like him and he will always be mine."

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