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A/N: This is a short chapter sorry! I hope that you enjoy tho!


James pov:

Lily had kissed me at the party. Not because she would remember it, she did it because she had had a drink to much.

The party just ended, and me and the others is in our dorm room. Peter is sitting half asleep in his bed, and Remus and Sirius is cuddling in Remus bed. I'm in my bed too, and reading a book about potions Regulus told me would be helpful to read. I have tutor lessons with him tomorrow, but he didn't talk to me all night so I don't know if he maybe is mad at me or something.


Today's lesson was going to be in the astronomy tower. I was there on time, and Regulus came in late. His hair was messy and he looked like he hadn't slept well. He also looked like he had been crying.

"Reggie, are you okay?" I ask him.

"It doesn't matter Potter, let's just start." He said as he sat down opposite from me.

Potter. He called me Potter. He called me Potter and not James.
My heart sank by that, but I decided not to say anything about it.

We study in silence for a little while before I decide to speak.

"So... did you have a good time at the ball yesterday?" I ask him.

"I guess it was fine. What about you?" He responds.

"I had a good night."

"Was it because Lily kissed you?" He mumbles just loud enough for me to hear it.

"No! Sorry no. Lily is amazing but she nothing more than just a best friend to me. Also she kissed me because she was drunk."

Regulus just nods in response.

"Have you ever been kissed before." I ask him.

"I have, Holly Whitlock. But it's a long time ago and now she's just a good friend." He responds.

We are silent once again before i again decide to speak.

"Regulus, are you mad at me? Because I feel like you are and i would like to know if I have done anything to hurt you."

He looks up from his book with tears in his eyes, but it's clear to see that he's trying to hold them back.

"Reggie, please talk to me. What did i do to upset you?"

"Its not you it's just... you." He says quietly trying to hold back tears.

"It's not me it just me?" I ask not really knowing what he means.

"Yes it's you. It's you and your stupid hair and stupid glasses. It's you and your amazing quidditch skills. It's you and your perfect face and charming personality. Its how you always make me feel seen and heard. How you always make people feel happy as soon as you enter the room. How you always have a comfortable smile on your face even when everything feels like shit. And how do you manage to make my day better, even tho I sometimes feel like giving up. So yes. It is you James fucking Potter."

Tears are now running down Regulus face and somehow, without any of us noticing he has stood up. I stand up opposite him and look him in the eyes, none of us saying anything.

"I'm so sorry, I should go. Don't talk to me again if you don't want to." Regulus says as he wipes tears away from his eyes and cheeks.

He lift up his bag from the floor and puts on his coat quickly. He start walking towards the door. If he walks out that door, then I loose him.

"Regulus." I says grabbing his wrist.

He looks up from the floor and into my eyes. As soon as we get eye contact I connect our lips.
The kiss is soft and last long before we both pull away. Regulus looks as shocked as I am.

"God I'm so sorry that was not what you meant I-"

I'm cut off by Regulus lips on mine once again. The kiss last longer this time, and it's less soft like the other one was. It's more extreme if you can say that.

I push him up against the wall as his hands find its way to my waist. I have one hand cupping his cheek and the other one in his dark curly hair.

When we again pull away we both look each other in the eyes. I can feel a big smile forming on my lips and he starts smiling to before pulling me into a hug.

"That was what i meant." Regulus whispers in my ear before he again pulls me into a kiss.

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