Ch.2 To Be At Laverre City

Start from the beginning

"And I'm Sawyer! Nice to meet you!" The scout said

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Y/n, the Snowbelle City gym leader. To answer your question Ash, Clemont helped me with some stuff that I can not tell you and Dawn is my girlfriend. You both never told anyone right?" Y/n asked looking at the siblings and both nodded.

"We Haven't told anyone like you asked us." Bonnie said

"What's a girlfriend?" Ash asks as he looked confused and we all face palmed.

"Another time amigo." Y/n said putting his hand on his shoulder as he looked towards Dawn and Selene. "Me and Clemont are going to catch up you can join too if you want Ash and Sawyer." Y/n said as he left with Clemont and Ash followed.

"Soooo Serena, Bonnie what is your dream?" Selene asks curiously.

"I want to be the Kalos Queen."

"And I want to be a gym leader like big bro and Y/n" Bonnie said.

"Those are amazing dreams!" Dawn said

Serena giggled and nodded but then asked, "So Y/n is a gym leader?"

"Yup. He was just recently appointed the spot." Dawn said as she looked out the window to see Ash's frog pokemon known as Frogadier battling Y/n's Aerodactyl.

"Excuse me ladies." All four girls stopped to see a worker with a pink dress on. "Can you please come with me. Your not in trouble, so I hope you don't mind."


"Use double team!" Ash commanded a the frog pokemon started multiplying. "Now use Bubble Beam!" 

As Frogadier was about to fire. "Counter with Hurricane!" Y/n said as Aerodactyl made a tornado which destroyed all the clones and showed the real one. "Finish it with Ancient Power." Rocks started to float as they all flew strait to Frogadeir knocking it out.

"Frogadeir is unable to battle. Victor goes to Y/n."

"Good work Aerodactyl. Take a rest will you." Y/n said returning his Aerodactyl. "Wonderful use of double team Ash! But next time take into consideration that a Pokemon like Aerodactyl is going to use a special attack such as Hurricane to counter double team. So in stead go for an up close attack then a range attack." 

"I'll make sure of that! This is "

"No problem."

"Wow Y/n! So you specialize in flying types! Awesome! You've taught me a lot!" Sawyer said as he started to take notes on our battle

"Hey just an FYI. I don't specialize in flying types."

"Uh, you don't?" Ash said with a confuse look as his Pikachu joined.

"Nope." A smirk grew on Y/n's face. "I specialized in dragon type Pokemon." Y/n said as  Ash and Sawyer mind started to imagine an army of dragons right behind Y/n.

"Wow! I can't wait to battle you!" 

"Well Ash you better train hard. He isn't called the Strongest Gym Leader in The World for nothing." Clemont commented as both trainers had stars in their eyes.

"Awesome. . ." Both Ash and Sawyer stated with their mouth open.

"He he. . . hey what's going on down there?" Y/n asks as he noticed a crowed of people surrounding a stage. 

"I don't know. Why don't we go check it out?" Clemont suggested and the boys agreed.

They all walked towards the stage and made their way to the front. "Wow must be big, wonder what's going on here."

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