Chapter 6 | Night 1 | Part 1

Start from the beginning

Before Randy could enter the car, Captain Diabetes went and snatched the car keys from Randy and prevented him from driving the car.

Randy: "Hey, GIMME MY KEYS!"

Captain Diabetes: "You are in no condition, sir!"

Randy: "I'm fine, OK? Look, wai- Look, look... I'm fine...OK? Gimme my keys. Please."

Captain Diabetes: "I'll return them, tomorrow!"


(Y/N) was then feeling scared from Randy's drunken rage as he and Captain Diabetes stepped away from him.

(Y/N): 'I don't like where this is gonna go.'

(A battle has started!)

Randy: "You think you can dance with this? Let's go!"

Captain Diabetes: "Stop him, Sidekick!"

(Y/N): 'Alright then. Let's calm his drunken mind down.'

Captain Diabetes: "Take care, Sidekick! Even debilitated, this is a dangerous foe!"

Randy: "I'm not "de-bil-erated"! I'm just jovial!"

(Y/N) used Fatal Attraction to pull Randy back to Captain Diabetes and he punched him back to his spot.

Randy: "Hey! I almost spilled my drink!"

(Y/N): 'That probably means you would have to drink less if you did.'

Captain Diabetes then bashed Randy with a Coma Combo and he got knocked back to the car.

Captain Diabetes: "You really need to sign for AA, Mr. Marsh."

Randy: "Wait, why are we fighting again?"

Captain Diabetes: "I have made citizen's arrest of your keys."

Randy then swung around and swung his fists at Captain Diabetes two times.

Randy: "Gimme my FUCKIN' KEYS!"

(Y/N) did a Shockwave Shakedown and did a combo on Randy; he charged his fists with lighting going around them and went up to Randy and punched him as he stumbled and he moved up and punched his stomach five times inflicting Shock on him before kicking him back with a boot to his stomach which he got knocked back to the car.

Randy: "Fuck!"

(Y/N): 'Wow! I guess that combo I made was shockingly effective! Heh!'

Captain Diabetes does a Coma Combo on Randy and he gets knocked back to the car.

Randy: "We could all go to the store together! drive!"

Captain Diabetes: "I will not break the law, sir."

Randy rushes at both Captain Diabetes and (Y/N) dealing them some damage and gets in a different spot.

Randy: "I can't believe I did that without falling."

(Y/N): 'And I can't believe that nobody is seeing this considering the noises we're making.'

Randy then gets shocked and loses some damage after finishing his move.

Randy: "Ahh! I'm still fucking all staticky!"

(Y/N): 'Well maybe this one will wake you up a bit.'

(Y/N) used Faraday Uncaged and he knocked Randy far back, leaving him inflicted with Shock.

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