Chapter 6 | Night 1 | Part 1

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When the sun sets and night is starting to come into town with people turning on lights and time is moving at a fast pace, The Coon starts to give out a narration.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "Night time. That's when the creeps come out. But unfortunately for the creeps the other thing that comes out at night, is a Coon."

The camera then shows (Y/N)'s house where he then woke up in the middle of the night and he changed to his superhero costume.

(Y/N): 'Alright, it's time for my first night mission as a superhero. Let's hope that this one won't be too crazy or wild.'

He went downstairs to undo all the looks in his front door after he left the house.

(Y/N): 'Man, I think somethings up with mom and dad. I should probably talk to them when I ever get the chance to.'

'...Why am I even talking in my head when I'm by myself right now?'

After he left the house and was talking to himself in his head, someone was waiting for him and jumped out of the bushes that were next to his doorstep.

???: "Aha! Fear not! For it is I...Captain Diabetes!"

It then appeared to be another superhero, Captain Diabetes who is a diabetic brutalist with the power of his diabetic rage that is inside him.

It then appeared to be another superhero, Captain Diabetes who is a diabetic brutalist with the power of his diabetic rage that is inside him

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(Y/N): 'Captain...Diabetes?'

Captain Diabetes: "Yes! A mild-mannered gentleman with the power of diabetes at his control! I used to be a simple elementary school student, but then one day, a freak science accident turned my diabetes into superhuman strength!"

"All right, Sidekick, we're supposed to go investigate a girl who might know the location of the missing cat. Follow me!"

(Y/N): 'Alrighty then. Hopefully this night mission will be a bit interesting.'

After all of that was said and done, (Y/N) was now following Captain Diabetes.

Captain Diabetes: "Ready? Let's go, Sidekick! Kyle's is this way!"

The two of them then approach Stan's house, and they then find Randy that is currently drunk and it turns out that he is the one scratching Sharon's car.

Randy: "Fuckin' bitch! Let's see how you like THIS!"

(Y/N): 'Wait, so the person keying Randy's wife's car is...him while he's drunk?'

Captain Diabetes: "I am Captain Diabetes and this is my faithful sidekick!"

Randy: "Oh, OK... Well, move outta the way, huh? I need to go buy some more beer."

Captain Diabetes: "I'm sorry but Captain Diabetes CANNOT let you drive!"

Randy: "I'm fine to drive... OK? Get outta here!"

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