🦎 Tiny Reader 🦎

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Idea by: Rogue_Riot9

Headcanon: through an unknown term of events, Reader has gone from the size of a building to the size of a gecko.

Note: I know this size is smaller than most people wanted, but having reader be smaller than Wally is a rare concept I wanna play with.

I will do one where reader is "human-sized", do not fear. :3

[Yes, you look strange, but you're mini, what'd you expect?]

🏠 Home:

"Creeeak?? Squeak! Squeeeeak!"

🏡 He'd be obviously surprised, as evident by his pupils shrinking in alarm. But once he realized that you were finally able to visit Wally, he was very happy.

🏡 he found it cute when you react in awe to his colorful interior, even feeling a sense of pride.

🏡 loves to see you try and paint with Wally and creaks in amusement when you get yourself covered in paint. He also watches as you tried to draw.

🏡 it'll take him off guard when you suddenly climb the walls, but he lets it slide since you don't do any harm.

🏡 Is slightly worried that Wally's fixation on you has increased slightly.

🍎 Wally:

"Oh my... what a lovely surprise."

🎨 He'd be surprised, but he'd be very happy to be looking at you without the sun glaring into his eyes and even more so that he's able to hold you.

🎨 he instantly takes you on a tour around Home, especially showing you his art room where his art supplies are.

🎨 Loves to watch you try to draw and paint, often stopping his own painting sometimes to discreetly watch your endeavor.

🎨 he enjoys it when you perch yourself on his shoulder, though he kind of has an issue with holding you properly.

👁 he has an even bigger issue with sharing you, sometimes tightening his grip on you when someone approaches.

🦴 Barnaby:

"Whoa! The tables have turned, eh kiddo?"

🐶 he'd be dumbfounded, but now that you're smaller, he can finally give you proper hugs and have an easier time making puns.

🐶 he now has you ride on his shoulder or head, and his tail wags at finally being able to do so.

🐶 sometimes has you assist him in acts, acting like a ventriloquist. (Almost considered juggling you but didn't want to risk hurting you.)

🐶 sometimes playfully ruffles your hair and messes it up to mess with you.

🐶 there's a lot of short jokes and puns in order, as well as short related nicknames, his favorite being "little Kai."


🪀 Julie:

"*excited squeal* you're so cuuuuute!!"

🧸 Once she saw you, she could have burst with excitement and adoration.

🧸 almost instantly scoops you up into her embrace, exclaiming over and over on how cute you were and how she could finally hug you.

🧸 she was excited to tour you around her house, showing her collection of toys and dolls, and invites you for tea parties and occasionally plays dress-up with you using her doll's clothing.

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