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This day had been full of surprises for Amy Rose. Well only two surprises, but the first stayed in her mind all day and the second led to where she was right now, holding the black hedgehog who struggled to call her a friend almost an hour ago.

This very morning while the pink hedgehog was at work her friend visited her, but not alone. Rouge had come to see her but Shadow tagged along, Amy didn't often have visitors when at Vanilla's so anytime she did she'd made it a priority to show them the best time she could. All customers were important but Amy gave regulars and people she knew a full 110%.

Treating the two was no different but seeing the darker hedgehog's reaction had been stuck on a slow repeat all day. The hesitant and concerned brow he wore suddenly changed to that of intense determination then he took the first sip. She could see he'd never tasted anything like it, his eyes widened with amazement then he drank the rest of it as fast as the Blue Blur eats chilli dogs.

The lick of his lips after he finished and she could swear he almost smiled, a genuine smile, Amy had hoped she wasn't staring but she would've gladly given the ebony hedgehog anything to see that kind of reaction. He appreciated and savored something she made for him, and if a simple smoothie could wow him, she wondered what expressions he'd make to a meal or even her home cooked desserts.

The moment replayed for her all day after her bat friend dragged him away. Most people thought Shadow to be deadpan or a constant grump, Amy was one of the few to see past that exterior but what was beyond she couldn't quite see yet, but she knew deep down the other hedgehog was sad. So seeing such an array of emotions made her want to see more of what lies behind the usually sad expression.

Amy's second surprise came in the form of the very same hedgehog, that had been plaguing her mind, arriving at her doorstep in the middle of the night. Normally she'd tell any, and every, other person not to let a stranger in their house at night, but Shadow wasn't entirely a stranger. She knew nothing about him but he was a hero just like all of her friends, he's proven time and time again he wants to keep earth and it's people safe. She also knew not many people knew much about him, other than Rouge and Omega he was often alone. Amy knew he was hurting and she wanted nothing more than for everyone to be happy.

So despite her better judgment, she let him in. And he was opening up to her, almost, "Shadow I can't help you if you don't let me."
They were on her couch close from the hug they shared, he only put his hand on her back but she was counting it, she'd only ever seen the darker hedgehog hug Rouge so she was happy to be one of the few he'd returned the gesture to.

"It isn't easy to talk about." Shadow said to the girl, "It isn't easy to talk in general. The only person that I really had conversations with was Maria and she didn't like how short my sentences were, other than her and the professor, I didn't really speak."

Shadow let silence fall between them making Amy feel a bit awkward considering how close they were sitting, she scooted a little away, "Why is that?" He gave her a confused look, he probably needed further explaining, "I mean I can get not wanting to conversate, but why didn't you speak at all? And why don't you try talking more now?"

His expressions changed as if he were silently talking to himself, then after a nod he told her, "I guess I internalized only speaking when it's important and I rarely felt important outside of combat and destruction."

Amy put a hand over her gaping mouth. She didn't know what to say, she hadn't expected such a raw and honest answer. The hedgehog before her wasn't even trying to hide his feelings behind a scowl like he usually would. He was sharing his pain with her, she felt bad for him but she knew he would be insulted if he confused her compassion for pity. "For what it's worth you're important to me," she started, "so I wouldn't mind hearing everything you say."

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