I Hate This Part

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Amy tossed and turned in her bed, never truly finding comfort in any position she tried to lie in, she was exhausted from bawling her eyes out the night before. It would've been perfect if not for the end that had changed her vision of the last decade of her life.

Chasing after Sonic the Hedgehog was a chore that took dedication and determination two things Amy had loads of. If it weren't for the blue blur always inspiring her she'd never have become half the hero she had become today, well not today, today she felt her absolute worst. After years of one sided crushing turning into pining then a guilty obsession, the blue hedgehog had finally took the initiative and took her on the date she had always dreamed they'd go on. Well it was a date with Sonic, one he'd actually planned out for the two, in a way it was special, but also not.

The two had went on a run. A two hour run across the beach with a picnic in between that, they talked about a lot of things, most of it felt like idle conversations, it wasn't until the end that Sonic had stopped beating around the bush and finally let out everything.

"I'm sorry Amy I just can't do this with you," he started, "I love you, I really do, you're my best friend. But that's what this is, I don't... No I can't be the man you want me to be, and you deserve a man that wants you in every way that you want him-"

Amy hadn't really listened to him after the first sentence, 'With you' rang through her ears like a chorus that wouldn't end. Sonic had still been talking but the pink hedgehog's breaking heart silenced all the noise around her, she watched waves meet the shore and time seemed to slow down around her yet her heart beat faster than it ever had.

She could no longer take the feeling of being there, so with a weak excuse and a quick goodbye she ran away, her unsteady breathing and tear stained vision made her balance wobbly. She'd tripped and fell over several times but that wouldn't stop her, she ran through the pain, through the ragged painful breaths she took with every step, through the tears that seemed to run as hard as she did.

The girl made it home a mess, she was covered in sand, dry dirt, scratches, and bruises from the trips and falls she took. Despite that she threw herself in bed then kicked off the blue running shoes she'd chosen for the date, they complimented the sky blue long sleeve she was wearing, her now tear stained sleeves. Her outfit didn't matter anymore she guessed, more like it never did, she curled up into her bed and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning hit her harder than she would've expected. Her body was still tired and sore from the running and she had a headache that was forming into a migraine from being dehydrated, still she made no effort to get up. Her heart ached from her date with Sonic and all she wanted to do was go back to sleep but the pounding in her skull kept her awake. She took her phone out of the pocket of her jean shorts and saw that it was 20 minutes before 6 o'clock, she'd always been an early bird, she also noticed 8 missed calls from the blue hedgehog himself.

She dropped her phone on the side of her bed to better ignore it, the discomforting clothes finally started to get to her so she went to her closet picked out one of the few sweaters she had that were too large for anything, other than a makeshift nightgown.

The long bubble bath helped ease her body from the pains of the day before, but the migraine persisted. After dressing in only underwear and the sweater that dropped between her thighs and knees, she slowly walked to her kitchen for painkillers and a glass of water. She drank the whole cup, taking large gulps that relieved the dryness her throat was feeling and after refilling the cup a second time she made her way back to bed where she could continue to ignore all her feelings.

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