"What? For real!?" Hiro was shocked

"Chihiro's killer is the fiendish serial killer, Genocide Jack!" Byakuya asserted ... Here we go...

"But...that's impossible!" Hina argued

"Why? What makes it impossible?" Byakuya glared at her

"Well, I mean...come on...! There's just no proof for it!"

"I...might know one reason he could be involved." Makoto spoke up


"I found this file while I was looking around the archive in the library..." Makoto showed them a file labeled [Murder Cases of Genocide Jack] "I guess it's some kind of confidential file the police put together about the Genocide Jack case."

"What...? That's kinda weird as shit, isn't it? What was something like that doing in the library?" Mondo asked

"The why of it is probably more trouble than it's worth, so let's forget about that for now." Byakuya told him "More importantly, it outlines all the specifics of every Genocide Jack case in exceeding detail. According to the file, there appear to be two defining characterist-"

Quill quickly shut him down "Ugh. Just stop"

"Excuse me?" Byakuya was clearly pissed

🎵 Dark Pit's Theme

[Kid Icarus Uprising]

"You're argument is something along the lines of; The scene has the two defining characteristics the file shows, but the public only knew about the 'bloodlust' message, therefore since the body is suspended and the public didn't know about that, then this must be the real Genocide Jack, correct?" Quill explained

"If you know then why did you interrupt me?" Byakuya continued to glare at Quill

"Because it's bullshit." Quill claimed blankly

"How so?" Byakuya grit his teeth

"Every Genocide Jack case has four things in common, making an m.o., just look at the cases. Ken Harada, 32, two pairs of scissors in his chest, one in the back of the neck, and one in each wrist, pinning him to the wall, 'bloodlust' written in his blood behind him. Tetsuhiro Honda, 17, A pair of scissors in his lower abdomen, one in the left side of his chest, one in the jugular, one in each wrist, pinning him to the wall, 'bloodlust' written in his blood behind him. Shoji Gaku, 23, Two pairs of scissors in his abdomen, one through his jaw, and one in each wrist, pinning him to the wall, 'bloodlust' written in his blood behind him. Kanno Isei, 14, a line of three pairs of scissors across his chest and one in each wrist, pinning him to the wall, 'bloodlust' written in his blood behind him. Takeshi Yoshida, 30, One pair of scissors in-"

Makoto stopped him "Uh... Quill?"

"... Tangent, sorry... anyway, my point is the m.o. consists of four different aspects, I'm sure that file showcases them. This case only has one... and a half of said aspects. It's highly unlikely that a serial killer would only use part of their m.o. It's either all of it to claim the kill, or none of it to hide it. And since Byakuya won't shut up otherwise, Why don't we just ask Genocide Jack ourselves? Serial killers are generally proud of their work, are they not? So" He turned to Toko "Toko, do you have any set way to switch, or is it just random?"

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What?" She was shocked, especially since it wasn't Byakuya

"Hey, okay, wait, hold on a sec! Toko has like, bloodophobia-"

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