Chap 7: Cinderella's night

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"Okay", he simply says.

"What were you doing when the food got burnt?", I ask and he looks guilty. Which is kinda cute.

"I didn't go inside the kitchen", he says and I shake my head.

"Very funny", I say as we chuckle.

Noah drops his fork then looks up at me, "Wanna go out for dinner?", He asks and a smile breaks through my frown.

"You bet",

"Okay I'll go grab a jacket", he says and I nod. Noah excuses himself from the dinner table and goes upstairs to retrieve his jacket. I on the other hand try to conceal my happiness. It's a normal thing for girls like Loren to be asked out every time but it's a big thing for me and what makes it even bigger in this situation is that I'm being asked out by my crush.

"What's up with the pennywise face?", Noah asks walking up to me. I look away clearing my free throat.

"Nothing, let's go", I say feeling a bit flustered. He shrugs at the whole thing and then we find ourselves walking out of the house and into his car.

I put on my seat belt just as he does and then he starts driving. We ride for a while till Noah stops at Backyard bowls. It's not a big place but it's still kinda nice. I don't really come here that much because I kinda like avoid junk and fast foods.

He gets down then comes over to open the door for me. He helps me down and I give him a smile of appreciation. He returns it and we make our way to the restaurant.

I've never really been here so I find myself looking around the place. I freeze when I see a table filled with jocks from our school. My stomach churns and I'm looking up at Noah to see if he's seen them already but he's actually looking for a table so we can sit.

"Let's go", I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He turns to me with a look of confusion.

"What'd you mean? We just got here", he says and I clutch my stomach in pretence.

"No I don't feel so good", I say and he looks so concerned as ever.

"Really? What's wrong?", He asks.

"Noah please Let's just go", I plead and it's like he wants to say something about it but he decides not to and just sighs instead.

"Alright let's-", he begins to say but he gets cut off by someone yelling out his name.

"Yo kushner my man", I shut my eyes close with a sigh escaping my lips. You've got to be kidding me.

Noah turns around and I squirm behind him. No no no, this can't be happening. I can't let them see me. They'll laugh at me and make fun of Noah for even bringing me here. It's gonna be one load of embarrassment.

"Yo Ash", Noah says and my eyes pop. Did he just say Ash?. I peer over Noah's shoulder and when I see it's someone else I calm down a bit. The guy walks to us and I'm panicking. Okay calm down Abby, he hasn't seen you yet, they, haven't seen you yet. All you need to do is back away from the scene and no one will even know you were here.

"What you doing here?", The guy asks and I'm slowly backing away.

"Oh I'm just here with a friend", Noah says and before I know it he's turning around and pushing me forward. I freeze like literally, both mentally and physically.

Ash looks down at me and I can read all the thoughts in his head. Her?, Why not a slim chic?. He looks back at Noah who's smiling like he's introducing his hot girlfriend.

"Abby meet Ashton, Ashton meet Abby", he says gesturing between us.

"Sup?", He asks and I gulp trying to compose the right word in my head to reply him with.

"I.. I..", I close my mouth as they are void of words right now. What's going on? I thought I knew English. I got an A last semester after all.

"She cool?", Ashton asks exchanging looks from me to Noah. Noah also looks down at me with a worried look.

"Abby you okay?", He asks and I sigh at myself. I'm really good at this.. embarrassing myself that is.

I register a single nod and Noah pats down at my head like I'm a bunny or something but I'm not bothered, I actually like it.

"She's shy", he tells Ashton and he recovers from his weird look he was offering me, replacing it with a swift smile.

"Sure, me and the guy's are just hanging out, you wanna..", he trails looking between Noah and I. Yup, I understand that look. I've been given it and way more others. It's that look of, you can come but she's not included, yeah it's that look.

"I could just take a cab home", I say quietly looking up to Noah. He's brows crease at me and I find it hard to decipher his mood. I don't know if he's angry or confused.

Noah looks back at Ashton, "Nah we're good". I think right now Ashton and I have the exact same look of absolute shock on our faces. For him it'll be that he completely turned him down for some fat ugly ass girl but for me.. oh my.. for me he literally just forsook his friends okay maybe that's a big word, declined his friends just so he could keep on hanging out with me.. the fat ugly ass girl. I'm beyond bewildered.

"We're just gonna go, see you later though", Noah calls out as he puts a hand on my shoulder and takes us out the door. My breath seizes for while when I realize how close he is to me. I breath in his scent and it takes every limb in me not to squeal. Gosh he smells so good. I literally have to stop myself from drooling.

"Princess", he calls out and I snap out of all thoughts of inhaling loudly.

"Yeah?", I ask just as we stop walking. He lets go of me and I hold a frown from surfacing. I'm gonna miss his arm around me.

"You shouldn't have to say sorry if you're not at fault", he says and I don't even play dumb to act like I'm confused. I know what he's talking about. He's indirectly talking about my quick acceptance to leaving instead of standing my ground.

"You do it all the time. You just think putting yourself lower makes it all good", he says and I look down at my sneakers. The one on my left leg has its lace coming undone. One more step and it'll loosen up.

"It doesn't", he says and then I watch him go on one knee. I look down at him while he focuses on tying my shoe lace. The way he notices these little things always makes my heart flutter. It's so overwhelming sometimes.

He gets back up when he's all done. I look down at the shoes. He even did the other just in case.

Noah smiles at me but it's a sad smile, "That's why when you're mad at me, I give you the opportunity to be. I don't like seeing you upset, no, that's not what I mean. I just love it when you're yourself and not trying to please anyone".

I nod slowly at his words. Even if the use of love wasn't connected to what I want it to be connected with it's fine as long as it's being said to me.

"I'm always here for you, okay?", He asks putting a lock of hair behind my ear. I nod and he chuckles a bit, "I'm always here for you, okay?", He asks again so I'm the one chuckling.

"Yeah.. I know", I say and he smiles. I smile back wholeheartedly.

"Ice cream?", He asks with a raised brow and I don't even hesitate nodding in a vigorous manner.


He laughs at my enthusiasm and we walk to his car with our hands intertwined. I wish this night would never end but then.. this isn't a fairytale and besides Cinderella's night did end.

His chubby princessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora