01: The New Neighbors.

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going? You forgot to clean the living room." He called out.

I smiled turning around to look at him slowly. "You told me to get the fuck out of your way Dane.. so I did." I looked at him my smile completely wiped off of my face.

Before I knew it a beer bottle was flying my way and smashed by my foot. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists.

"Don't you fucking talk to your alpha like that! Now go do whatever the fuck you need to do Omega and come back and clean this shit!" He screamed and then turned the tv up to maximum volume.

I know I shouldn't be used to this, I know I shouldn't ignore the tears that dare to escape Or my pounding heart, he never hit me he just scared me. I had to keep reminding myself that.

So I did what exactly he told me to do.

I scurried out of the house and power walked across the street to the humongous house, the biggest house in this neighborhood, the house everyone never dared to even look at the price in interest of buying.

I walked up to their porch just taking in their lovely garden, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door softly.

The door opened quickly an ginger head man answered, he was covered in paint and a child was at his hip hugging his waist.

He looked at me up and down waiting for me to speak, which I did! Just slowly..

I took another deep breath and reached the box out to him. "Hey! I'm your neighbor from across the street! Yep that house just right there!" I pointed to the house that was quite literally across the street!

Okay im talking in circles...

He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway with an amused grin and raised eyebrows.

I licked my lips nervously. "U-uhm I wanted to give these cookies because it's something I've always done since I've moved here and I just like being on my neighbors good side in case there was ever an i-"

The child, well girl.. whatever. She grabs my apron and giggles. "You were cookin'" I looked down at my apron and realized it was covered in stains from me baking the cookies.

I completely forgot I had it on..

"Yup baby girl, I believe he was baking, he sure made a mess too." He chuckles shooing the child away.

He grabbed the box and gave me a smile, vampire.

"Thank you..?"

"Averil, my names Averil.. Oh God I didn't introduce myself." I facepalmed feeling like a absolute fool.

"No its fine, love! My name is Owen, It's nice to meet you."

"Yea.. haha." I want to go back to the house, God why am I so socially awkward..

"Would you like to come in for tea? I saw you through the windows looking at the garden, And by the looks of it you seem to know a lot about plants, we could talk."

But are we really going to talk about plants..?

I looked back at the house and thought about what Dane said, it's not like he was gonna hurt me, he's probably going to be drunk when I get back.

"Well I suppose a bit of talking wouldn't hurt."

He opened the door a little wider waiting for me to step in and he guided me in the house, his hand in the wrong place being at the lower part of my back.

I didn't mind it which was absolutely ridiculous, I wouldn't admit how touch starved I was.

Their entrance was amazing! They had a beautiful grand foyer and marble floors, oh how I dream of having marble floors!

"Uhm I'm a mess! Just uhm sit down in the kitchen!" Owen looked down at his clothes in horror.

I did exactly that, but rather slowly.. mainly because I wanted to look around for a bit longer, But I still take a seat at the smooth island counter top.

"My mate sure does know how make friends quickly." A deep voice echoes throughout the kitchen. Of course my ass jumps.

I hear rumbly chuckle and I look to the side of me. It was an extremely tall and DEFINITELY alpha, he was covered in sweat and his hands were wrapped with some type of paper tape?

Is he a boxer?

Fuck am I staring too hard? Say something Averil!!

"Ah yes thats everyones reaction when they first see me, I can be true eye candy." He flexed his muscles.

I laughed.

And it was a horrible laugh.. the man looked at me like I was damn near crazy!

"That is one interesting laugh, hey Owen dear! Our new friend has the most geekiest cutest laugh ever."

Our friend..

I feel my face paint a pretty red, this is one of the many times I'm glad for my skin complexion.

However he was still able to see I was blushing, he only winked at me.

"Sorry I'm back! I had to clean up my mess so Bailey wouldn't get into it! Im sorry honey! Would you like some tea?"

He asks placing the box of cookies on the counter which was swiped up quickly by the big guy.



So far so good guys

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So far so good guys.

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