thirty nine

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Minho rose from his bed with a start, hearing the sound of a gunshot somewhere in the mansion. Han had been fast asleep at his side and shifted slightly at the movement. He turned, trying to shake him awake.

"Han. Han!! Get up!"

Han turned, his eyes hardly open as he tried to comprehend his words.

"What time is it?" he mumbled, trying to find a clock.

"I just heard a gunshot."

Jisung turned, starting to come to his senses.

"A gunshot? Are you sure? It wasn't in your dream?"

"I'm sure. I could feel it."

Han nodded, placing his arm on Minho's shoulder.

"Where did it come from? Maybe Kyungsoon or her brother got out and had to be taken down?"

Minho shook his head.

"Something's wrong. We need to wake everyone up."

He stood moving to the bed next to them and shaking the other patients awake. Han sighed, protesting.

"Min—at least make sure there's some sort of threat before waking everyone up at the ass crack of dawn—"

"Something is wrong! I know it!"

Han went silent, realizing Minho really meant every word of it. He rose from the bed, helping him to wake the others. Though he wasn't certain there was any danger, he knew Minho wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Where's Seonghwa?? Wasn't here last night?" Minho asked, searching around.

"I don't know. He was talking to Chunja for a while so he might've gone back to their room and fallen asleep there."

"We need to find him."

Han finally cracked, moving towards him.

"Minho, calm down. If you heard something, I'm sure he heard it too."

"But you didn't—"

"Min. What's going on with you?"

"I heard a gun. I know I did! So just shut up and listen to me!"

His eyes were fiery, more serious than Han had ever seen. He took a step back.

"You're sure?"

Minho nodded.

"I'm going to go see what's going on. Everyone else needs to stay here and lock the door until I come back. Don't fall asleep until I tell you it's safe."

Minho moved towards the door but Han grabbed his arm, yanking him back.

"Hey—what the hell!? If there's danger I'm not letting you limp right into it!! You're staying here."

Minho tried to shake free of him but Jisung didn't budge, his eyes stern.

"I'm not gonna get involved I just need to know what's happening—"

"I'll go."

They turned, almost forgetting the other had been in the room.

Changbin stepped up, already brandishing a fire extinguisher.

"You're injured too! The doctors told you to avoid any strenuous actions, your ribs aren't healed yet!" Han protested.

"I'm fine. You two keep everyone safe here. I need to know what's going on."

Han tried again but Minho spoke first.

"Bin, you don't have to do this, I can make it on my own."

"I'm the most logical option, so just let me go," Changbin snapped, pushing past the two and heading for the doors.

"Changbin!" Han yelled but it was no use.

Minho turned, finally understanding his determination.

"Han...let him go."

"What!? Why??"

"He's worried about Felix."

Han looked up again as Changbin stepped through the doors. His tough expression was cracking as he saw a hint of fear in his eyes. He was scared.

"We can't let him go alone. We have to go after him!"

Minho crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, so when it's your broken ass it's fine but I'm too delicate and breakable?"

"Shut up. We'll go together. I won't leave him on his own this time."

Minho quickly realized the meaning of his words, his expression growing serious as he nodded. Han had to do this. And he would be there to keep him safe.

"Everyone, wait until we come back. Barricade the door if you have to. But don't open them unless you hear my voice, okay?" Minho called to the group, waiting until he got confirmation before turning back to Han.

"Are you sure about this?" Han said quietly, knowing it was his idea.

Minho nodded, giving him the courage he needed. As long as they were together, nothing could happen to him. He wouldn't allow it.

Even if it cost him his own life.

They grabbed what they could, rushing after Changbin in the dark hallway.

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