twenty three

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The other members eventually went down to see their friends, filling the lab with tears and relief. It had been so long since they'd even seen some of them that they'd unknowingly written them off as dead. But speaking with the special ones proved that there was hope for everyone, and Yeosang's suggestion turned the lab into a bustling, hopeful space.

In the moments he wasn't working with Jinyoung, Yeosang sat outside of Jongho's door, telling him about everything they were working on. He wasn't sure if he'd even remember, but he knew Jongho would be interested in hearing the details so he pretended he was getting through to him.

San brought Wooyoung up to speed on everything going on in the lab as he joined the team, wanting to help in any way he could. Yeonjun had decided to take some time to himself, away from the chaos of it all. Wooyoung couldn't help but worry after the mission they'd just returned from, but he didn't see any reason to push him to help. He made sure to stop by and check on him every once in a while, but as busy as he was in the lab, that tended to be only a few times a week.

Changbin, Han, and Minho spent the next few days recovering from their injuries. They'd all offered to assist in the lab but until their wounds had healed properly, they wouldn't be able to offer much assistance. But Changbin still managed to slip away from time to time to visit Felix.

Seeing him locked away in the small room was painful for Changbin but he knew he couldn't convince anyone to let him out. Everyone knew the risks after seeing how Hongjoong had been controlled to attack Han's chest. And Felix himself couldn't bear the idea of hurting anyone.

The members of Ateez made sure to keep their members company as well, especially Mingi. They were all so shocked to even find him alive. After Wooyoung told them the story, they all felt an overwhelming sense of grief for him. As much as they all missed Yunho, they couldn't even begin to imagine what that was like for Mingi.

Seonghwa spent the most time visiting. He was supposed to be with the others addressing his leg wound but he couldn't bear to spend time away from Hongjoong, now that he was really back. Of course, when he was back in the med wing for his injuries, he found himself entertained by the energetic Chunja who'd taken a particular liking to him. With the exhaustion of the past few days, Seonghwa had noticed Minji was barely able to carry the child around, having done so ever since they'd gotten back. He made sure she got her rest, playing with the little one in her place.

Seungmin and Jeongin continued their work in the lab, noticing the distance that still remained between Yeosang and his members. With his new focus on Jongho, it gave them lots of time to get to know the other two and bring them into their circle.

Jackson and Jinyoung were just glad to be back together and making real progress, watching all of their hard work come together. It felt like all their effort was finally worth something.

The only issues that began to arise started with Kyungsoon, once again.

Each time she came back to consciousness, she insisted she wanted to help them find their cure. She would pound on the door, begging them to let her assist them.

The first few times, they assumed she was just scheming, looking to get out of the cell and wreak havoc.

But after nearly twenty attempts that all ended in a necessary takedown by force, their minds started to change and they began questioning it.

Of all of the people who frequented the lab, the first to speak up for her was none other than Changbin.

"Before I took her down the last time, I saw something change in her eyes. It was like she'd been blinded by her anger. Like we'd brought her back down to earth. She really meant what she said. I knew that when I shot her. I just wonder if maybe that was a mistake."

Jackson crossed his arms, leaning back against a vacant lab station.

"DIdn't you say she started this whole thing? Wasn't she the one who turned all of your friends and killed hundreds if not thousands of people??"

"Yeah, I know. I just think...I've been blinded by my own goals, too. I can't imagine I would act much saner than she did if I knew I'd accidentally hurt someone so close to me. I know she's got issues, I know she made that virus. But you have to admit, she's just a kid. Maybe we should hear what she has to say."

"What are you talking about? When did you ever do anything as selfish as she did!?"

Wooyoung stepped up to his side, joining the conversation in anger.

"I've been blinded ever since the whole shitshow started, Woo. Remember what I did to Yeosang? And how I almost put Jongho at risk again? And Han...all of them were hurt by my weakness. I was so focused on Felix, and all of them suffered for it."

Wooyoung shook his head.

"That's different, Bin. Completely different! You never lashed out at innocents because of Felix! Everything you did was the best you could do in your situation!"

"Then what about her??" he snapped, pointing his finger at Kyungsoon's door. "I looked a teenager in the eye and told her she could trust me. I didn't have to do any of that. If I had wanted to shoot her, I could've found an easier way. I wanted her to suffer. I wanted her to hurt like I did. To feel lost and alone. I'm no different."

Jackson moved to speak but Wooyoung stood.

"You had a reason to be mad at her! She turned Felix! What did Felix ever do to her?!"

"That's enough. We'll discuss this another time. You both raise valid points but I'm not sure I feel comfortable releasing any of the specials right now, especially the most dangerous of them all. We'll come back to it later."

They both nodded, unable to reach an agreement just yet. But the argument had stirred debate amongst the rest of the team members.

Maybe Kyungsoon wasn't truly the villain they'd made her out to be. Maybe she was just a scared little girl.

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