✿ Red life ✿

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Grian was sitting at the ravine crying-laughing in disbelief of what had just happended. His communicator went wild as people realized that Scar was red and could now kill them. Grian quickly mined down to the bottom and picked all of Scars stuff up in a chest.

After that he got up again, and just sat looking at where his crush fallen.
The parrot didn't know how long he sat there but after a while another man sat down besides him.

"Grian??" He asked and Grian looked up at Scar, Scar smiled at him and handed him a bouquet of flowers, it was beautiful, the flowers were red, pink and magenta. "Can we still be friends?" the brunette asked in a worried tone, as if he was worried they wouldn't be friends anymore.

"Well yeah, of course Scar" Grian replied and smiled at the brunette who leaned in and pecked a little kiss on Grians cheek. Grians face flushed as red as the flowers in his hand, and he rested his face up against Scars shoulder. It was nice just sitting like this.

Scar pointed towards two pillagers in the forest and they both got up to find the captain, sadly, there were no captain. So instead they payed Skizzleman a little visit to try and steal his clothes.

After a quick talk Scar was once again fully enchanted and they were on their way to the castle to talk to 'Rapunzel' they arrived and everyone had their bows ready, they had a quick talk and arrows were flying, Bdubs, also called Rapunzel by Scar was allegedly just trying to make Scar dance.

As nobody in the castle wanted to talk, they left again and found Impulse in his little underground base. They too had a quick chat and Grian looked at Scar "hey, Scar how about you head home? I'll be right there" Grian said and almost pushed Scar out of the door. "Impulse, don't listen to him! He'll kill everyone!" Grian whisper-yelled and Impulse whisper-yelled back, "I know right" before the two could continue their whispering conversation, Scar came back inside and Grian followed with him outside.

After making sure Impulse couldn't hear their conversation Scar said "You're right, I will kill them all" which got a laugh from Grian.

They made their way home and Grian pulled Scar inside the castle.
"We need to talk"
"About what?"
"About the fact that you kissed me on the cheek Scar!"
"Ohh that, yeah, that was totally on accident!"
"Scar... First you tell me you'd like to 'steal' my clothes, then you give me flowers in romantic colors and now you kiss me!? Be honest with me please? Do you really mean it or are you just messing with me?" The parrot said, and Scar blushed and looked away.

"Fine! I meant it, you're cute G and I think I have feelings for you! There, you happy?" Scar said, his vision becoming blurry, admitting his feelings for his best friend was embarrassing, he was just waiting for Grian to push him away, send him away or yell at him, but that never happened, instead Grian tiptoed and gave Scar a small kiss on the cheek, just as he had done to him.

"I like you too Scar" he said with a smile and Scar smiled back, as he was on his last life his skin was a greyish tone and his eyes red, so his ruby red eyes shined with happiness. "Soooo are we boyfriends now or what?"
"Uhhh, sure Scar, if you want"
"Do you want it?"
"Yeah, I think"
"Great, then we're boyfriends!" Scar said excited, and lifted Grian up, bridal style and spun him around.

They went down to look at their reputation list, both happy that their feelings were returned. Skizz, Etho and Impulse were friends, others had some reputation points and Cleo and Bdubs had -100 reputation points, Ren and Martyn were on 'MOST WANTED KILL LIST'

"Hey G, did you see the giant cookie on the mountain?"
"Uhh yeah?"
"I want the cookie"
"Scar your name is red, your job is to kill people, not steal cookies"
"But I want the cookie"
"Well I had some ideas to make some traps, but if you just want a cookie I'll put those away"
"Nono, what about we steal the cookie AND do some murdering today?"

"Sure Scar, but, put. on. some. clothes!"
"Awww, don't you want to see my abs"
"No! Well yes! But safety first Scar! I don't want you to die"
"Fine Sunshine"
"What did you just call me?"
"Sunshine, it's my nickname for you G, do you like it?"
"Yes I do, did you know Grian actually means sun?" Grian said

"No way!? It does? My nickname is perfect for you then!" The scarred man chimed. Then the two boyfriends, both thrilled to be able to call each other that, went to 'Renchanting'.
Scar went inside while Grian stood outside, he then made an impulsive decision to try and shoot an arrow over the fence.

[Grian has made the advancement <Take Aim>]

The avian laughed and went inside to see his lover with an arrow in his shoulder, surprised and a much between fear and worry in his red eyes, he quickly held up his shield, but lowered his guard when he saw his boyfriend laughed. After getting over the immediate shock, the two walked away after a quick chat with Ren, (and maybe, just maybe, stealing the enchantment table) the blonde found a working Nether portal, and said goodbye to his boyfriend as he did not want Scar in the Nether, it was just too dangerous.

Grian mined the quartz from the Nether and then went back as Nether was a very scary place. He was greeted back on the over-world by a very worried boyfriend, a long hug and a kiss.

//Time Skip\\

Grian was done with setting up the TNT minecarts, and with the enchanter on top, now he just needed somebody to mine the enchanter in order to trigger it. In the meantime the lovebirds went up to BigBs cookie in order to steal it from him at the top of the mountain, that also had a good view of the trap.

Three people, being Martyn, Scott and Tim stood around the trap, then they broke the enchanter and Grian was waiting for the explosion...


Nothing happened? What had he done wrong. Scar went over to him, took his hand and gave his cheek a soft peck.
"You did your best sweetheart, now let's steal the cookie!" He beamed and the parrot followed his boyfriend. They stole it just before BigB came back and Grian took Scars hand and ran down the mountain, looking at the three people trying to disarm the bomb...

[SolidarityGaming blew up]
[Renthedog blew up]
[Skizzleman blew up]

Grian laughed manically, and needed to gasp for air as he was laughing so hard, this was pure energy, pure adrenaline running through his vain, they had somehow triggered the trap and had all three blown up. Even with the trap not working it could still kill.

"You monster!" He heard Scott say, and for a few seconds he saw a purple eye, a destroyed spawn and a broken nether portal. He shrugged it off and kept laughing, he had just gotten two kills, now there were 2 more reds on the server. Grian couldn't stop cheering and Scar joined in.

After having a quick chat about how the new reds might want to kill Scar and might also want Grians green name, the two skedaddled out of there, holding each others hands, the avian could feel the warmth of Scars grey hand.

He looked at Scars face and his smile and could feel his face turn as red as his boyfriends name, he loved everything about the man, the way the eyes sparkled with mischief, just as his own, and the way the scars cut all over his face, and the way his smile made butterflies appear in the parrots stomach, and how his brown hair bounced up and down as he was running.

Yep, Grian was definitely in love.

~1372 words

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