✿ Sand-Biome Duo ✿

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A/N: Hello and Happy Pride-month, I just want to say that no matter your identity you're valid and loved❤️🏳️‍🌈
Also in this fanfiction Grian is panromantic and asexual, and Scar is gay.

Grian looked up again after sitting in front of the grave. He got up again and noticed that Scar was on his way back, probably just to get his things back, the brunette probably wouldn't want anything to do with the blonde anymore.

Scar had gotten his stuff back, when Grian went over to apologize, he grabbed Scar by his hands and dragged him a bit away from the group.
"Hey Scar, I'm so sorry!"
"Why are you apologizing G?" Scar said confused.
"It was just a prank! I was supposed to lure the creeper into the group! Nobody was meant to die, I'm so sorry!"

Grian looked up into Scars emerald green eyes, or they weren't completely emerald green, now they had a little tint of yellow if you looked close enough. Grian remembered the hearts on his wrists, and wondered if his suspicion about the hearts were correct. He grabbed Scars wrist and turned it to look, sure enough, two hearts, not three like Grian had. Scar only had a yellow and a red. Grian pulled up a bit of his sleeve and compared his hearts to Scars.

"You had three lives Scar, and I just used up one of them. How about a deal? I stay with you and protect you until I lose my first life?"
"Sure thing! Can we take over the sand-biome now!?" Scar said with an expression reminding Grian of an excited puppy, a cute puppy.
"Sure, Scar. If that's what you want. I owe you my life" Grian said with a sigh. But nonetheless he was very happy that Scar has agreed to it and had forgiven him, plus he got to spend more time with the man.

//3rd person (but from Scars perspective)\\

Scar was more than thrilled, he got to spend time with the man he loved, Grian. Even if the parrot only did it to make up for the life that the brunette had lost in a prank-gone-wrong, but if he was honest, that was a life went spent. Grian was sitting on top of a llama that Scar was walking with in a lead, he didn't mind having to do that, as long as Grian was happy.

It was a bit too quiet, so the brunette tried to strike up a bit of conversation.
"Hey G, the llamas name is Pizza"
"Pizza? that's a cute name" Grian said with a smile, a very cute smile that couldn't help but make Scar blush, the blonde thought he had came up with a cute name!

Scar was beginning to sweat a little, after all it was summer and the sun was shining, and he was pulling a llama with a man on top of it. Scar stopped and dropped the lead. Then he pulled off the iron chest-plate and his shirt, flexing his muscles bit, mostly just to try and impress Grian.
"Put your clothes back on Scar!"
"But I was getting a bit hot and sweaty, you know in the sun, I mean, I should be the one resting on the llama"

Grian let out a sigh, Scar concluded that he had accepted that he was shirtless.
"Hey Scar, how about we go to my base and gather up some of my junk? My base is just over there" he said pointing to a place over the hill.
"Sure thing Gri" Scar replied with a smile as he saw Grian get off the llama and started walking towards the hill. At the top he stopped and looked down at the base, it was a cute little hobbit hole.
"It's not that great of a base, because I didn't have that many materials, I also think this is the most short-lived base ever." Grian said with a chuckle, before making his way down to the base. He looked through the already chaos storage system and took some of the more useful stuff and let the rest be.

"Okay, I'm abandoning this base now, it didn't even last a session" Scar heard the smaller man say, and then he went out of the base and on top of the hill again.
"Let's continue our walk to the desert now" Grian said and picked up Pizzas lead, while Scar got up on the llama. Then they were on their merry way.

//Time skip\\

They both arrived at the dessert and Scar got off the llama and looked at Grian. ""You know Gri, we could, if you want, take over the oak istead?" Grian smirked in reply, and his smirk grew bigger as an idea popped up. "why not both?" Scars eyes sparkled, and Grian looked at them and their emerald green color, those were the most beautiful eyes ever.
"You're a genius G! We'll take over the sand-biome and the dark oak!"
"We can definitely do both, it will take us like half an hour to chop down all the wood, and then we can build a base here"
"Partners!" The voice of an excited Scar said and Grian flushed a bright red at the word 'partners'. "In- in- uhhhh... GS Business!" Scar said, noticing how partner could be misinterpreted.
"Hey, Scar where do we build a base? Have your thought this through?"
"Yes yes" the man said and grabbed his crush's hand and dragged the parrot along beside him. "You see, theres that mountain and it has a great vantage point over all of the dessert"

The two went up the mountain, Grian couldn't focus on anything other than Scar holding his hand. They stopped and looked at the enormous desert in front of them. Grian still just looked at their hands. Scar followed the blondes look and flushed red as well, and quickly let go. "Sorry Gri"
"It's fine Scar, now what is the plan?"
"Have you seen the lion king?"
"Uhh, yeah, why?"
"Everything the light touches is ours now"
Grian laughed at Scar, he was a man-child, a grown adult that acted like a child most of the times, but he was funny and Grian loved him for that, he just wished that Scar would return his feelings someday.

~1064 words

Desert Duo //Scarian (Scar x Grian)\\Where stories live. Discover now