James asked ,' So can I go to the tutor'condo ?''

Net agree.'' ok, but we alert always. ''

James nodded.'' ok.''

After Net gone for his flight ✈️.

James is going to the tutor's house, but on the road, a black car stops near him and takes him in the car. James shouting ''Help! Somebody help me ''But there is no one. They take kidnapped James. After some time.

James opened his eyes. He saw his hand tied together and legs together. And a tall figure entered into a room and said'' Oh, you wake up '

James asks ,' Who are you ? Why did you kidnap me?"

Kinn said '' To take revenge from your husband.''

James shouts ''  Let me go if you do anything wrong to me so Net will kill you bastard.'

Kinn smiled '' Let's see what your husband is doing. ''

Kinn video call Net.

Kinn : Hello, dear bastard

📲 Net mockingly said, "Why do you call me asshole?" Is your wife run, and you suspected me.

Kinn :  My wife is in my home, but I think your wife is missing?

📲Net shouts : don't you dare to say anything about James. He is in his friend's house.

Kinn : What if someone kidnapped him.

📲Net shouting: Where is James ? what did you do to him?

Kinn laughed to see Net : Your wife is in my bed.

📲Net : I kill you bastard

Kinn set Mobile phone on table that Net see James clearly. Kinn goes near to James

Kinn touched James face and said'' Let's see what you have that Net attract to you.''

Kinn tease Net ''ooh you are so pretty, by the way. Net your choice is so good and sexy too.''

📲Net shouting angrily: don't you dare to touch James I kill you bastard.

Kinn : You disturbing me you can't see I am in bed with your sexy wife so how can I control my feelings.

Kinn opened the upper three buttons of James's shirt and kissed on his neck.

📲Net shouting : I kill you

Kinn got up from bed and said,'' is so disturbing.''

Kinn cut the cal.

Go back to bed and open his all shirt button and say,' I give you a better experience than your husband. ''

James shouts ''  Leave me bastard Net will kill you asshole. ''

Kinn climbs above James and slap him and holds his hands and kisses on james neck .

James tried to protect himself, but kinn gave him drugs, so he slowly fell in unconsciousness. And suddenly, Net opened a door and kicked kinn. Kinn fell down on the floor .

Net takes james he is unconscious now .

Net shouts'' hye you bastard what you done to james. ''

Kinn said ''your wife is stubborn, so I give him drugs to clam down .''

Net angrily shouts,'I will kill you.''

Net getup and grap kinn collor and start punching him on his faces.

Punch ....punch.... boom...

Kinn on floor and blood coming out from his mouth and face . Net Take out his gun and point to shoot kinn .

Kinn eyes get wide he said '' Before you kill me, let's me tell you. your wife has only 20 minutes to live. I give him poisonous drugs.''

James murmured leaves me......Net save me...

Net go near to James and see James sweating so much.

Kinn ran out of the window.

Net call Jack And tell everything and said ''kill that bastard kinn. ''

Net took James in his arms and went to the  hospital.

Net said worriedly.''doc he takes poisonous drugs ''

Doc said '' Let me check '

After a few minutes ..

Doc said ''don't worry, sir, this is a normal drug for sleep. ''

Net ask again.'' So why is he so sweating?

Doctor said ''because he is so scared from something. And I see some brushes in his neck and face . I admit him for one day in observation in the hospital.

Net agree ''ok doctor can I meet him''

Doc sais '' yes, but he is still sleeping. We can't predict when he wakes up. We don't know how much drugs affect him.''

Net nodded.

Net went into the room and saw James.
James one slip is teared and red brushes on  his, and his neck has teeth marks. Tears coming from his eyes.

Net said himself ''I kill that bastard who hurt my James.''

James is sleeping ..

Net gently cares James hair kiss on his for head. Net changed his clothes himself, and before leave room, he appointed some bodyguards and went to search'' that bastard who trick me for escape. I definitely kill him.''

Jack calls him and tells me,'I find kinn come on XX ground. ''

Net said,'' Yes, I will come. Don't kill him. I kill him myself.''

Net reached XX ground.

Net shouts' how you dare to touch my wife .Ready to die ''

Kinn begging ''please forgive me ''

Net can guess someone help him.'' Tell me who helped you to kidnap James. ''

Kinn confesses.'' he never tells his name he only only and messages him''

Net gritted his teeth in anger.'' ok, then you have to die.''

Net shoot kinn ..fire ..

Kinn dead

Net went home.

Mack pissfully drinks tea and thinks Kinn kidnapped james successfully. Mack gets shocked to see Net

Mack asks shockingly ''how were you here, you not go, Bangkok ?"

Net don't tell him truth he wanna find something first '' I forgot my file in house so I return .''

Mack lied.''  James went to the tutor's house he also called me and said he was fine.

Net see Mack in suspicious glance: James call you ?

Mack rolling his eyes or said,' Yes, .'' Yes P'net ''

Net narrowed his eyes and said ''but he is in hospital. How can he call you?"

Mack in hesitating ''h..how?''

Net said,'' Kinn Kidnapped him.''

Mack hurriedly changed his expressions ''so sorry, i unabld to protect him now is James fine ?''

Net nodded ''hmm'' Net went in room and think ''who is that who helps Kinn to kidnapped James.  Is it Mack?''


Spoiler of next

Mack, what are you doing? Leave me
Net enter in room and seen Mack and james is so close to eachother

I hope guys you all like this part

Thank you 😊

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