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Chapter Eleven: Wouldn't


June POV


The doctor allowed Peter to bring me my phone, but Peter had to leave after a few moments. We bid goodbye and I tuned my phone on. I had one unread message, from a blocked number.

Did u c me on TV 2nite? I hope u did. In case u missed it, I said I love u. Wher r u? I wanna c u.

My hands were shaking so much, I couldn't even type out a reply. As I was fumbling to make my fingers work, I got a new message. This one was from Carter. Good, a nice boy to get my mind off of Jasper.

Hey, sweetheart. Ur friends r freaks! They wer callin me Jasper n it was freakin me out, so not worth it to wait in a waitin room for an hr n not even see u :( at least the damn doctor gav u ur fone. I miss u n I love u.

My fingers stopped shaking a bit as I typed, They wont call u Jasper for long. I just saw him on the news n he txtd me from a blocked #. I'm so scared n I wish u wer here wi/ me. Idk wht 2 do.

After I sent it, I went back to Jasper's text. No way would I tell him where I was! Now that I was awake and my senses were clearer, I knew that I didn't want Jasper, and definitely not his revenge! After staring at the bright screen and hurting my eyes, I decided to reply,  It's not worth ur time, Jasper. I have a new bf now, and he's so much nicer than u. I moved on n mayb u shld move on...to hell.

Had I just said that?!? Jasper wasn't far away, obviously he had built up strength to come to New York and somehow found the old body, so he had the strength to come here and kill me for saying that! Oh, gosh, that's the bad thing about texting, you can't take those things back! As tears of worry and regret streamed down my face, my phone vibrated. Carter had replied.

Imma kill tht SOB. Trust me, June, u won't hav 2 worry bout him 4 long.

I typed quicker than ever, Dnt try anythin!!! U kno he's a demon, he'll kill u! Rex n Zoe n take care of him.

His reply came quick, too.

They dnt lik me vry much. Idk if I can trust them with ur safety. I have to ensure it 4 myself.

Did the whole demon concept not sink into his brain?!? Carter couldn't fight Jasper! He was human! That's exactly what I replied to him, but he never texted me back. Neither did Jasper. This was worrying me. What if Carter had ran into Jasper and Jasper had killed him?!? How could I just stay in this hospital and let him die? I pressed the button that called a nurse. It took a matter of seconds for one to arrive. I swallowed my shyness, and let my feelings and worry for Carter take over.

"I have to get up!" I cried, already beginning to stand. "Get me off this crap or I'll do it myself."

"Oh, no, no, no!" the nurse cried. I'd seen her before, she'd brought me into the room. She had short black hair and was real skinny, that I could even beat her up if I wanted to. She was very peppy and upbeat. Even now she was smiling as she was trying to push me back onto my bed. 

"My boyfriend is in trouble, I have to go help him!!!" I screamed, shoving the toothpick of a woman away from me. She fell to the ground, and as she got up I was prepared to throw her down the hall, but instead she skidded away. I didn't know how to properly unconnect the machines, though. I could pull the IV with me, but one was connecting me to a machine that was reading my heartbeat and blood pressure and all that. I didn't have much time to contemplate because the perky nurse returned with the doctor.

"June, you can't leave," he murmured in a soothing voice.

"You don't understand," I growled. I was fierce in my voice, but my hands were still shaking and my tears were streaking my face too fast to go unnoticed. "Carter is out there--"

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