A Little Bit Tipsy

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*Author's Note: I think I may accidentally title a chapter My Immortal Phantom out of habit sometimes, so if I do, someone just let me know. Thanks(:


Chapter Three: A Little Bit Tipsy

"Liz, no!!!" I repeated for the fifth time. "Whether I can see you or not, you can't hide and watch my date! That would be low...." I grimaced at her. "Even for you."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!" she cried. "If you love me, you will! I'm just going to make sure he's good for you!"

I shook my head, buttoning my jacket. "You can find out when I introduce you two like all the other best friends."


I grabbed her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. "I'll be fine, 'kay? If you love me, you'll trust me for now. Carter is really sweet."

"You thought Jasper was sweet, and he was a demon!"

"Well, this is different. I met Carter at school like a normal child, not a scary ghost that showed up and almost killed me. Very different."

"Don't worry," her mom said as she sauntered into the room. "If he hurts her, I'll kill him. Very slowly and then I'll save him. Then I'll do it about five more times, then kill him for real. With honey and an ant pile." (It's obvious who Liz takes after.) Liz's mom knew most of the things about Jasper, and she actually believed us. She'd always been like a mom to me, anyway.

"She looks too pretty," Liz whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. Well, I think that about you when you roll out of the bed in the morning, so you know what? Get used to it!" I snapped.

She pulled me into a hug. "Don't...don't...don't kiss him, June! Not yet! You know, if you kiss on the first date, who knows what you'll be doing on the second?!? And you better tell me if he's abusive! And don't just stay with him because you want a boyfriend...and...and...keep your jacket on! That dress kind of shows..you know...and...and..."

"LIZ!!!" I screeched. "Shut up!! I'm going to be fine!"

She helped me fasten the golden locket she'd given me so long ago, then sighed, hugging me again before I slipped out the door. Liz tried to squeeze out behind me, but Isabella was pulling her back in. "Thanks," I whispered as I disappeared out into the darkness.

Carter was holding open the passenger door for me, and I was taking my time getting into the car until Ember opened a window from inside the apartment and yelled, "You're lucky to have a girl as hot as June, and I hope you know that!!!"

I jumped in the car and slammed the door so fast, it almost caught Carter's fingers in it. "Get in!!!" I ordered as Ember continued to yell embarrassing comments. He rushed to the other side. "Speed, speed!" I screamed as Liz was escaping from the door. It took a lot of my strength not to burst into tears right then. Carter probably already hated me...before the date even began! I buried my face in my hands, while all Carter could do was laugh. I let a few tears fall, and wiped them away. With a little sniffle, I looked up, hoping I hadn't cried off the eyeliner. "I'm sorry about that," I said finally.

"It's fine. I have some mad friends myself."

"Trust me...they can't be that crazy."

He grinned widely. "You have no idea."

The "surprise restaurant" that Carter raved about all the way to it was better than I'd imagined. Chandeliers hung in every room, the walls were gold, the floors were marble, and he'd reserved a private room just for us. (How romantic?!?) I was by far too casually dressed, but I'd never imagined that our first date would be a place like this! I couldn't find a meal on the menu that was under seventy dollars, but Carter insisted that money wasn't an object to him. I looked like such a fool. Me, in my little worn-out leather jacket that Liz insisted I keep on. But how could I, in such a fancy place. She would understand...hopefully. I slid my jacket off my shoulders and hung it on my chair. It was then I noticed the waiter, who was patiently waiting for me to be ready.

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