Ropes and a Rose

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*Author's Note: Most of this was written when I was extremely tired. lunadanesa was begging me to write so I tried to make it less crappy the next morning, but i can only do so much...


Chapter Five: Ropes and a Rose

"Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz!" I squealed. This time it wasn't for a good reason like the last time. I screamed her name repeatedly. Carter didn't exactly bear good news anymore.

"Wha-aa-aatt?" she moaned. I'd woken her up.

"You know that vase where I keep the rose that Jasper had given me?"


"Look what I found next to it!!!"

She sat up in her bed, opening her eyes and pushing her bright red streaks out of her face. In my hand I held a rose just as red, and it'd come from nowhere. Just like the white rose had.

"You think it's from Carter?" I asked dumbly.

"No. I think it's from Luke Skywalker. It's his appreciation for you watching his movie a trillion times," she grumbled sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up, Liz!!!" I ordered. "I'm being serious!"

Suddenly my phone was crying out Flyleaf lyrics, and I ran to get it. It was Carter. I looked back to make sure Liz hadn't followed me, and tapped the answer option. 

"Hey, baby," his voice cracked through the phone.


Not only was it weird for Carter to be calling me after the other night, but it was different compared to Jasper, who just popped in randomly.

"What are you doing today?"

"Church," I replied bitterly, thinking terrible thoughts of what he had planned.

"You don't feel too guilty to go there...after what you did Friday night?"

"Oh, gosh. I really don't remember what happened!"

"I'll tell you if you come answer the door."

"D-d-d-door?" I stammered. "Are you at Liz's front door?"

"Oh, wait, it's unlocked. I'll just let myself in, then."

"Wait--no! Carter!!!"

The phone clicked.

I heard the front door fly open as I set my phone back on my nightstand. I'd never noticed how much that door creaked, like in scary movies. Carter's footsteps were over-dramatized in my head, sounding like an elephant.

"Isabella? Is that you?" Liz called from her room.

Carter shot me a devious look as I entered the room that was split into a living room and kitchen. Red lined the walls, and white tile the floor. Carter looked around, and chuckled at the place. "Looks like a '60s diner," he mumbled, fingering the black stools up to the checkered counter.

Liz dragged herself out of her room, and gasped at the tall, dark-haired British boy. She ran at him and kicked him in the groin. Like Jasper and bullets, nothing hurt him.

"Get the hell out of my house!!!" she shrieked.

"Wait!!!" I cried. "I want to know what happened to me. What did I do after you kissed me?"

He smiled confidently, settling on the couch and folding his fingers behind his head. "Well, you kept going on and on about feeling crazy, and then you asked me what something was that you wouldn't normally do. So naturally, being a guy, I suggested sex. And we were about to--but the police showed up. I guess the chick at Walgreens actually did notice, and turned us in for drinkingunder aged. We had to wait at the station until someone came and bailed us out. It was my sister,Crissa. I wasn't that drunk so I gave her directions to your house, and she dropped you off. That was all."

Liz slapped my arm. "You were about to have sex?!?"

"I was drunk!!!" I defended, rubbing my hurt arm.

She smacked me again. "That's for getting drunk."


Peter POV

When I heard about what June did, I was of course furious. I pronounced to kill Carter (Jasper) because I'd never gotten full revenge on him from when I vowed to when he started possessing June that one very, very depressing day.

"She's fine, though," Ember reassured me. "She didn't actually have sex. Otherwise, you know Liz would have already killed Carter!"

That gave me a new thought. Why didn't Liz hurt Carter? Did he just run free? June hadn't said anything about it, and neither had Liz, and I'm sure that they would have gotten into one of their petty arguments if she had. 

So why?



"I said I'm sorry!" Carter screamed. "For the fiftieth time!!!"

"Too late," I snarled. "Mess with June, and you get my wrath. You got her drunk on purpose so you could screw her, Jasper!!!"

"I told you," he said, strained by the rope I had tying him to the wall. "I think her ex is a total bastard, and I'm not him!!! Yes, I got her drunk so we could fool around, but that doesn't make me a demon! That makes me a guy!"

I tightened the ropes, and he began to choke.

"Why doesn't blood come out, Jasper?" I asked. "Why doesn't it hurt you when I kick you? You're bulletproof, invinscible. But if I rid you of this body, I know it'll take you awhile to get back to June. And when you do, we will be ready."

I gave the ropes another pull, and left him there to die.

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