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*AN: I know I said this once or twice in part one, but I've decided to mention it again. My story is sh** compared to most of the other stuff on here. Sometimes I hate even reading anything on wattpadbecause it makes me feel so awful...but the stories are so good I can't not read them! Anyways, anyone with suggestions on how I can make this story (and comatose, for anyone who is reading it too) less crappy, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease let me know!




Chapter Eight: Episode

I pushed my face into my stomach and began to rock back and forth, crying out in aggravation. What was I to do? Carter was in love with me, Liz was out to kill him, and everyone was still edgy when talking to me because of Friday night. Almost every time I talked to Ember, she asked me if I was going to "get tipsy" (as she put it) again. Who was on my side, anyways? Carter? Do I even know him well enough for him to be on my side? Does he know me well enough to be in love with me? Could I consider God on my side...or had I been too terribly falling away lately?

A knock arose at my door and interrupted my gloomy thoughts.

"What?" I growled.

Peter swung the door open. "Can we talk?"

I took the last sip of the orange juice I'd been drinking, and threw the glass at the wall. For some reason, its shatter was pleasurable.

"JUNE!!! What the--?"

"Go away."

"June, we need to talk. Now."


He let himself in my room anyway, looking distastefully at the broken cup. I sighed. "I'm going to clean it up, you OCD child."

"I'm more worried about you than the cup. Do you know what you're getting into with Carter?"

"Definitely not. But I'm a teenager. I'm supposed to be reckless and stupid."

"Since when are you the average teenager?" he snapped.

I folded my arms across my chest. "And you are the average college student, eh?"

"Just listen to me!"

"Go home, Peter," I said suddenly.

"They're cleaning my room at the hotel; I can't go in--"

"No, I mean go home. Back to Alabama. I don't need my big brother around to protect me anymore."

"Yet you need Liz?"

"She's my best friend. I'd need her even if she was a wimp."

"And I guess I'm not as important as her?"

I sighed, averting my eyes. "I guess not."

He was already leaving when I looked back towards him. I listened to the door slam. Liz's mom came in. "What's wrong with Peter?" she demaded.

"He's a jerk," I said. "He wants to control my life...just like everyone else does since Jasper left."

Mrs. Demi rolled her eyes. 

"What?" I snapped.

"Well, after what you did Friday, I think they have good reason to."

I flopped onto my bed and screamed into the mattress. "Liz told you?"

"Yes, and I ought to kill the boy!!"

"Liz tried," I grumbled.

"I know that too. Do you think I'm dumb?"

"No...you've just never said anything. I thought that if you knew about Friday, you'd ought to kill me."

"I don't think we can use the word kill too metaphorically in this family," Liz chimed in as she entered my room.

"Who said I was?" I muttered under my breath, looking away from Liz and at the wall.

"You're not seriously mad for what I did to Jasper, are you?"

"Carter. His name is Carter," I said without looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," she spat through her teeth. 

I sighed. i didn't want to be mad at Liz, and I really wasn't. I was frustrated that she could possibly think that Carter was Jasper's spirit in a new body. To me, the only thing they had in common was their voices...and me.

"June!" Liz was shouting. My head snapped up.

"Oh, sorry... just thinking..."

She rolled her eyes. "About Carter?"

I blushed, feeling my face get hot, a burning sensation sweeping my body with it. The feeling of this unpresent element shot my mind back to Friday night, with the underwater feeling from Carter's kiss...I'd forgotten about it until now. My breath was seeming to run out as it did that night. I'm just imagining this, I was trying to convince myself. Somehow...it just seemed too real. Though for some reason, the idea of suffocating didn't seem all too terrible.

My Dead Roses (M.I.P. 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora