New Weatherman

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*Author's Note: Sorry, haven't put anything up for awhile. (For like the two or three of you that care) I've been so busy but I just got feeling better from being sick so I'm taking advantage of my only free time before I have a crapload of makeup work!!


Chapter Ten: New Weatherman 

This was a dream, anyway. It had to be. I was in New York, with Liz and her mom in my new room. Yes, I'd just yelled at Peter, though I'm starting to feel bad about that now. But I could smell the dust and cow manure as apposed to perfume and cigarettes, and I felt the warmth of the southern state. Also, there was the warmth of Jasper's kiss. In spite of myself I continued to not kiss him back, yet I threw my arms around his neck and stroked his hair. Oh, his soft, smooth dirty blond hair. I'd missed it terribly. That and those beautiful black eyes...

I was about to give in and kiss him back when I began to run out of breath, and feeling my breath get heavy, Jasper pulled away.

"Sorry, love." he apologized. "It's just been so long."

I nodded timidly as he gently pushed a curl behind my ear, my breathing still heavy, especially as he got closer to me. I curled up next to him, and smiled as I noticed how perfectly the curves of my body fit into his lap. "I missed you," I murmured.

"What are you talking about?" he asked slyly. "I'm always going to be with you."

I frowned, confused.

"Right here!" he poked my chest.

"Ow!" I screeched girlishly. "That's my boob, not my heart, you perv!"

A crooked smile overtook his face. "So?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully. What was I doing?!? The more we bonded, dream or not, I was going to miss him even more when I woke up. Yes, I was falling in love with Carter, but Jasper...he was my angel.

NO! I told myself. Jasper is a know that!!!

Oh, who am I kidding? It's just a dream. I can do whatever I want.


Peter POV

Ember was screaming and kicking the car as we flew way beyond the speed limit behind the ambulance carrying June's cold, even-paler-than-usual body.

"Why?!?" she was shouting, either to me or God. I couldn't take my eyes off the road to see what direction she was looking in.

"June will be fine," I lied through my teeth. "They'll put her on a machine for an hour or a day and then she'll wake up feeling better than ever."

"Really?" she sniffled.

I nodded. "Of course."


"I don't think there's anything we can do," the man in the white announced, pulling his stethoscope away from my sister. "Everything is normal. It seems like she was so healthy...almost like she drowned."

Ember struck her hand across my arm. "You said she'd be better," she whimpered.

I put my arm around her. "God always has some miracles up His sleeve," I whispered into her hair. Her crying slowed for a second, and she reached up to her shoulder to squeeze my hand. We let out a quick, quiet prayer for June and sat in the waiting room next to Isabella, Liz, her mom, Rex, and Zoe. Zoe was staring out the window, tears pouring from her eyes as if she was filling a pool with them. Everyone was in tears except Rex. Rex's eyes were intensely focused of Liz, who wasn't paying him any attention, though he didn't seem to mind. The way he was looking at her made me awkward and uneasy. I wondered if they would end up--

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