Chapter 1.4 - Acclimation

Start from the beginning

"I'll tell you two things, his name is Terrance. He's a supposedly low-tier but I reckon he is a Level 6.0 and he is a part of the Safe House." I rapidly and quietly stated in an easy to understand tone. 

"It's that stupid Safe House again, but I think something might happen on that trip, no matter what it is, I must join and find out what is going on."

"I agree, but slow down. Most of them still fear or hate you," I said, but knowing him nothing is going to stop him, even if I beat him he will still find a way looking at how he feels and also it would be nice to have another hand and this genius a.k.a the glorious me has a plan, "Let me help you get on the trip."

"You will?"

"Yes, even if I tell you that I will handle it, you're still going to end up coming."

"Thanks, I owe you one."

"When are you free in school?"

"4th period."

"Come to the safe house then."

"Ok, see you later. I got to go to class."

"Later." I finished as I saw John speed up ahead and walk away. Now what should I do about the rat following me. I thought as I smirked.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Since I had a free block this period, I decided to go to the Safe House to see what the rat, Terrance, was planning.

Room 224.

As I approached the infamous room, with that annoyance of a rat following me. i could hear loud chatter emanating from the bismark-coloured door. It sounded like a celebration? But what for? I walked towards the door and opened it.

I walked in and found myself mentally asking, 'What the hell is going on?'

I scan from from corner to corner of the room, mostly filled with the friendly chatter people eating cake. I walked in noticing that rat, Terrance had too entered, no longer invisible. Every time I glanced at him he always looked analytical, too analytical.

I walked into the room approach the centre of the room and attention, where a moderately tall, fair-skinned guy with reddish crimson hair and golden eyes. Beside him was, Remi and Isen with that Roland nearby serving what looked like one hella delicious cake (I want it so badly). Then the redhead guy noticed and looked at me, probrably trying to know who I am, same for me anyways; now everyone noticing my prescence.

"Who is that?" Me and the guy both asked towards Remi as I pointed to him.

"Uh... I forgot that you don't know each other," Remi stated, "Well Kayden this is Blyke, he is the new king and Blyke he's Kayden."

"Ah, so you lot are celebrating his coronation of him being King." I asked.

"Yeah." Remi replied. Now, this makes sense.

"Well Blyke. I'm Kayden, nice to meet ya." I introduced myself while holding out my hand.

"I'm Blyke, nice to meet you dude," Blyke said, while shaking my hand, "Wait aren't you that guy people call the Lightning Ace of Wellston?"

"Yeah, so?" I respond non-chalantly.

"What was your actual level?"

"9.8" I replied as I saw Blyke just mentally break.

"Now I think about it, don't you guys supposed to have a Jack now?" I asked, seeing Isen starting to nervously sweat while slowly turning away as Blyke and Remi turn towars him. So he's supposed to be the Jack, huh. What is wrong with him? First he has strong people phobia, now he has position phobia?

UnOrdinary: Kayden RowanWhere stories live. Discover now