Chapter 1.2 - School Morning

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Kayden's Pov

Ah! I open up my eyes to see some stupid beam of sunlight is blinding me but since I'm awake I might as well get up, it's got to be somewhere near 8 o'clock right? I lifted the bedsheets of me, sat upright on my bed, checked the time on my and... it's 20 past 8. It seems that I must train diligently every day something very hard to get, a regular sleeping schedule.

Well, time to speedrun this.

I Jumped right out of bed, straight swiftly to the bathroom, I take the toothbrush and quickly brush my teeth in the most efficient way possible, I quickly put on that wierdly coloured school uniform messily but I think it's very much passable before runing straight to my bag packed with some random stuff that other normal people have I think, slipped my feet into my shoes and decided to go through my fabled window route as I did say I was going to meet John at the front of school.

Here we go again, I quickly open the window before jumping out the window, slamming it shut as I fall 3 stories before slamming hard onto the ground beneath, knees absorbing most of the impact. I then quickly traverse towards the front of school to meet up with John.

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"Hey did you see that?" a random student exclaimed not believing what he saw.

"See what?" the other student walking beside him replied.

"I think I saw someone jump from the third story of the boy's dorms."

"Nah, you must sleep deprived or on something."

"I guess your right, I need more sleep."

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John was stood at the front of school, looking at the school with nervousness, his back was on his back and hands in pockets. He felt very much uneasy. Although, he remembered the words of advice and support from his friends ,his dad and even that new person he met. Even though he didn't say anything directly supporting, the fact he didn't care what he did help him feel less at unease but he still couldn't help the feeling.

He was sweating of nervousness but he took a deep breath to give himself some confidence back. He glanced around the busy entrance, everyone timidly scared of him and for good reason. They all saw him as if he was a murderer or some ready to start a school shooting, he could tell they were scared as they moved to the sides making way for him as if they did not want to be even a meter away from him. He could hear them quietly chatter about him with comments such as, "He's back already?!" or , "I'm not ready for this." with the events of John's reign of terror still vivid memories in thier fragile minds.

But John was convinced that he was ready to come back today.

Meanwhile, a fairly tall student with unkempt light orange hair that is dyed dark brown at the base, was walking by a wall and towards the front entrance of the school and video calling a fair-skinned teenager with reddish crimson hair and golden eyes.

"How much longer you got Blyke? A few days?" The student asked to the crimson-haired teen on the other end of the call.

"Yeah, I'll be back in 3 days." Blyke responded.

Suddenly, when he got around the corner to the front of school, the half orange, half brown-haired student stopped and tensed immediately at the sight of John stood outside the school and went dead silent with nervousness.

"...Oh, shit..." he exclaimed as he quickly went back and around the corner, "Uh-oh. He's back...".

"Huh? Who is it Isen?" Blyke, on the other end, asked with confusion.

UnOrdinary: Kayden RowanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum