As I galloped towards our destination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Lord Chiron's whereabouts were shrouded in mystery, and despite King Peleus' friendship with him, even he didn't know where he lived. The King had a way to communicate with him if necessary, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

The suffocating darkness of the night enveloped me as I pressed forward, my wounded body aching with every step. The dense canopy of trees overhead blocked out any trace of moonlight, leaving me to navigate blindly through the terrain.

With each jarring gallop of my horse, a searing pain shot through my side, intensifying with every beat of my heart. The warm stickiness that coated my trembling fingers confirmed my fears - blood. My wound had reopened, and I was losing precious life-force with every passing moment.

A sudden crackling noise erupted from behind me, shattering the already tense silence of the forest. Startled, my horse bolted forward, its hooves pounding against the forest floor, desperately trying to outrun the unseen threat.

I clung to the reins with a white-knuckled grip, my heart pounding in my chest, but the wild ride proved too much. In the frenzy, my head collided with a low-hanging tree branch, the impact sending a jolt of pain through my skull. With a sickening thud, I was violently thrown from the mare, my body crashing onto the unforgiving ground.

Agonizing cries tore from my lips as the open wound on my side throbbed with excruciating intensity. The world around me spun, my head swimming with dizziness, while a nauseating sensation churned in the pit of my stomach, threatening to unleash its contents.

Then, amidst the chaos, the crackling of twigs resumed, drawing closer with each passing second before abruptly ceasing. The abrupt silence sent a shiver down my spine, and a paralyzing fear gripped me like never before. The terror of facing this unknown danger in the dark depths of the forest surpassed even the earlier battle against the thugs that had left me wounded.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I forced myself to rise, desperately attempting to flee from the encroaching danger. But my body betrayed me only a few seconds later, giving way beneath the weight of my injuries. I crumpled to the ground, the world around me fading into an abyss of darkness as consciousness slipped away.

As the scent of savory food wafted through the air, mingling with the comforting crackle of the fire, my senses snapped to attention. The sound of the wood popping and hissing sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins, bringing me to full alertness in an instant.

Grimacing in pain, I clutched my injured side, determined to push through the agony. Slowly, I surveyed my surroundings, my eyes widening as they landed on a figure seated by the flickering flames.

"Who-Who are you?!" I bellowed, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and feeble attempts at intimidation. Deep down, I knew that my words held little power, and I couldn't help but feel like a frightened child in the face of the unknown.

The man, now risen from his seated position, approached the bubbling pot with purpose. His eyes, fixed on me, held a mix of curiosity and something else I couldn't quite decipher. As he stirred the pot slowly, his movements deliberate and controlled, his voice cutting through the silence.

"The man who saved your life," he declared, his words hanging in the air. The weight of his statement hit me like a sudden gust of wind, causing my heart to skip a beat. I couldn't help but wonder how close I had come to meeting, Thanatos.

His gaze remained fixed on me, as if trying to unravel some hidden truth. "I guess your parents never taught you manners?" he mused, his tone tinged with a hint of reproach. "People usually say 'thank you' after someone saves their life."

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