Chapter 2 - The Students of Advanced Nurturing High School

Start from the beginning

"Sure I was curious about the selection anyway."

"Alright," Sora said.

"You're Ayanokoji-kun right?"

Just as we prepared to head out of the classroom, I got called out to yet again; Am I popular by chance?

I turned in the direction of the voice, it was a beautiful girl. She had short dyed-brown hair that almost brushed the tops of her shoulders. Along with the female version of my uniform, coupled with the recently approved short-skirt lengths. This was probably a newer model judging by how it was just a few millimeters short from the gates of heaven.

"I'm Kushida, from your class. Do you remember me?"

Yes, this was Kushida Kikyou. She was the most popular student in Class D by far, despite Hirata's popularity he wasn't very well-liked by the male students of this class, but was adored by the majority of the female students. In contrast, Kushida was well-liked by both the girls and the boys. I'd even seen her with students of other classes yesterday.

"Of course, how could I forget someone as electrifying as you? What do you need from me?"

"To tell you the truth, there's something I wanted to ask you. It's just one little question. Ayanokouji-kun, are you on good terms with Horikita-san?"

Honestly, I felt a tad bit insulted that the first time she wanted to talk to me, it was about someone else. Was this how people felt when they got confessed to in order to make someone else jealous? Or when the girl they like asks them for advice on getting with their best friend?

Not like Horikita was my best friend keep in mind, but it still felt a little annoying.

"I wouldn't really call us being on good terms, more like acquaintances. Why did she do something?"

"Oh, no. Well, do you remember how I said I wanted to get along with everyone else in the class? Well... when I asked for everyone's contact information, Horikita turned me down."

What the hell...? You didn't even ask for mine yet you asked for Horikita's? Should I feel insulted, or prejudiced? What was this difference in treatment? Horikita was so anti-social and hostile that it was almost funny. she didn't even hide her condescending tone when speaking to anyone and yet people were actively seeking her out?!

I internally sighed, this was such a pain in the ass why'd I have to deal with this, I mean isn't this Horikita's problem?

"Weren't you two talking outside the school on the day of the entrance ceremony?" She asked.

Well, we all did ride the same bus so it did make sense she saw my confrontation with Horikita—Wait if you saw that why didn't you help me out?!

You don't ignore the old women's plead for help but you ignore mine?!

The world was cruel indeed, people were not equal.

"I was wondering what kind of person Horikita-san is," Kushida continued. "Is she the type of person who talks a lot around a friend?"

I couldn't really answer that I mean; I wasn't even her friend.

"I don't think she's very good at interacting with others. Why are you asking about Horikita, anyway?"

"Well, during our introductions, Horikita-san walked out of the classroom, right? Except for you, she hasn't talked to anyone just yet, I'm a little worried about her."

What a saint, it seemed as if she really was trying to get along with everyone when she introduced herself.

"I can't help you much I mean I just met her yesterday, and we aren't really anything more than seatmates."

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