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"Remember me Baby Doll?"

Jeonguk asked averting his eyes to the beauty infront of him.

Tae: "W..why are you doing this" ??"What you want from me please let me go, I want to go b-back home to my huyungie & Jinnie, P-please let me go" .. Tae begged, Tears welled up in Tae's eyes.

Jeonguk: "Don't Worry Baby doll, I'll let you go soon."

He came near to taehyung, getting up from his chair, His lips close to his ears whispering....
"But after taught you a lesson"

Tae: N-no please d-don't hurt M-me.." Tae stuttered but this time due to the close proximity.

Jeonguk didn't reply. Instead he Ordered,
"Jake, Josh You two might leave, and Hobi get everything ready, Understood?"

Hobi: "Yes Master"
The three of them bowed and left from there.

Time skip..

Hobi: "Sir everything is prepared as per you said" Hobi informed

Jeonguk: "Oh so are you ready babydoll to pay for your deeds hmm???

Tae: "What do you mean, please I am sorry please let me go " He cried

Jeonguk: "Didn't I tell you to call this marriage off hmm, now look where we are but it's OK now we have to change few things, You're going to marry but your groom won't be yoongi,"

He looked at Tae for a moment,

Jeonguk: "You're going to marry me" He stated

Tae: "No no no, Are you crazy, why are you doing this to me, w-why will i marry you, please forgive me please please", Tae sobbed hard, tears rolled down his swollen ed eyes,

Jeonguk: "Why am i doing this?, You left the answer on my face just few hours ago, remember??"

Tae: Jeonguk moved his hand to the back of his waist and the next moment there was a gun in his hand and he didn't think twice before, he raised his hand in which he held a gun, he point that gun at Tae and placed his finger on the trigger,

Jeonguk: "I won't ask again, Now shall we?"

Tae: "No"Over my dead body",

Tae whisper-shouted in shock and helplessness,his eyes grew wide and lips parted in surprise as his body shivered. he gulped down the saliva,taking in his first encounter with a gun and it only made him sweat cold.

Jeonguk: "Fine if you want it like this, Hobi ask Jake to finish that Kim Namjoon and his husband... "

Hobi: Yes Master

Tae: No! Stop!" Please Stop him please don't hurt them I beg you please stop him"

Jeonguk: "I will, if you marry me, right here, right now"

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