"And you actually wasted your time and did it?" I asked curiously.

"At first I said no, but then he bribe me with a hundred dollars, and of course I accepted. Like who says no to money? Definitely not me." Topher said.

"So let me get this straight." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Damien paid you a hundred dollars for you to look out for me?"

Topher nodded. "Pretty much."

"Why didn't he do it himself?"

"Football practice."

I nodded in understanding. "Technically you won't even looking. If I didn't come up to the car you would not have seen me. So you just got a free hundred dollar bill." I pointed out.

"Yeah I know, but don't tell Damien that. I was distracted by 'Attack on titan'."

I gave him a confused look. "Attack on what now?"

He clutched his chest and his mouth formed into an '0'. "Please tell me you're kidding." He said like I had just committed a crime.

I shook my head causing him to shake his head in return. He then instructed me to get in the car, where we watched an episode of the animated series which I kinda enjoyed.


I was currently in the bathroom washing my hands so that I could get back to class, when someone entered. When I turned and saw who it was, my heart dropped down into my stomach.

A malicious smile spread across his face when he saw that I was in the bathroom with him. "Hell Carter." Shane said.

I didn't answer him, instead I quickly closed the faucet and tried making my way out of the bathroom, only to be stopped by Shane grabbing the collar of my shirt. "How rude of you Kai, I greeted you and you didn't even have the decency to acknowledge my kind gesture?" He sneered.

I took in a deep breath to steady my voice. "What do you want from me, Shane."

He acted as if he was thinking before snapping his fingers. "I just want to teach you a lesson." He said letting go of my collar so that he could shove me onto the floor.

Truth be told, Shane wasn't that bigger than I was. He was about three inches taller and had about ten pounds on me, yet still I allowed him to shove me around like I was some rag doll. I think it was my parents' fault that I was this way. Before they started mistreating me, I was so confident, but they have gradually beaten the confidence out of me.

Shane walked up to where he had shoved me onto the floor with his hands balled up into fists. He lifted his hand to connect a blow and I flinched, shutting my eyes in the process, but the blow never came. When I opened my eyes, I understood why I was not hit by Shane's fist.

Rob stood in the doorway of the bathroom, and he was giving Shane a menicing look. Shane slowly stood up and started backing away from me. Rob came further into the bathroom, walking up to where Shane was standing in the corner, trapping him.

Rob didn't say anything, instead, he just stared Shane down. Shane looked absolutely terrified, honestly, I would too if I was in his position. Robert was a scary motherfucker. He looked like he could just reap your head off of your neck.

After awhile, Rob turned to me. "You ok?" His deep voice asked me and I nodded to signify that I was indeed alright.

"Good" He said and went over to the sink to wash his hands which Shane took as his opportunity to get out of the bathroom.

When it was just the two of us in the bathroom, I turned to Rob. "Thank you." I told him.

Without even looking at me, he gave a single sharp nod and walked out of the bathroom.

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