17) A Good Stalker

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"Yes. Yes the kiss."

"Shit," Damien cussed and swiped his hand down his face. "I'm so sorry Kai, I really messed up."

That was not the response that I was expecting. He messed up? What the fuck did he mean that he messed up. I fucking knew it. This was way too good to be true. Why on earth would a guy like Damien want to kiss a fucking loser like me.

My heart broke and I wanted to cry, but I had to act nonchalant, so I heald back the tears, and in the steadiest voice that I could manage I asked: "What do you mean you messed up?"

He sighed. "I kissed you and I didn't message or call you or anything after. I'm so terrible." He said. "But in my defense, I did lose my phone at the lake so that's why I couldn't get in touch with you."

Phew. I let out a breath I didn't even know that I was holding. "So you didn't regret kissing me?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Damien looked at me as if I just told him that I was a cannibal. "What?!" He screeched. "Is that what you thought?"

I shook my head guiltily.

"Oh my god, Kai, I'm so sorry that I made you feel that way. I will never, ever, EVER regret kissing you." He said and grabbed my face and heald it in his two hands. "Do you understand me?"

I nodded my head yes. "Yes."

"Good." He said then proceeded to give me a quick kiss on the lips, which caused my heart to nearly leap out of my chest.

"Now let's hurry up before we're late." Damien said and hopped out of the car. He rushed to my side and opened the door for me to get out, and closed it behind me.

After that, the two of us went our separate ways, because we had different classes.


I was on my merry way waking to one of my classes when I heard a voice say something.

"I saw you getting out of Damien's car this morning. What's up with that?" A girl named Wendy asked me with attitude lacing her tone.

This is the first time Wendy has ever spoken to me. She was one of the 'popular' girls.

"Huh?" I asked because sometimes I like to pretend that I didn't hear something just to make the person repeat themselves.

"I said," She placed her hand on her hips. "I saw you getting out of Damien's car this morning. What. Was. That. About." She said pausing after each word.

I rolled my eyes. I seriously didn't have time for this. "He's my friend. He gave me a ride."

She raised one eyebrow "A ride?"

I sighed. "Yes Wendy, a ride. Or is my friend not allowed to give me a ride."

She removed her hands from her hips and folded her arms. "Then why did he open the door for you?"

Hmm, she got me there. Damien does have a habit of opening and closing doors for me. I'll just play dumb. "I don't know what you're talking about. And why do you even care so much? What are you, Damien's keeper?"

"I care because Damien is mine. I'm the first girl he's ever hooked up with, and the only one who he's went all the way with. So stay away from him." She said and pushed her way passed me, and walked away with her friends who were waiting for her.

I've heard lots about Wendy. She was rumered to be the only girl that Damien has ever went all the way with. Well, at least that's the rumour she puts out.

She's pretty with her strawberry blonde curly hair, blue eyes and slim body. She and Damien would definitely make a really good couple visually.

I sighed and walked to my next class, AP Biology.

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