Chapter 32 - War Machines

Start from the beginning

Unbeknownst to her, a man wearing dirty jeans appeared in front of her.

"Crikey, Sheila..." A grizzly voice towered above Iseri, "Ya just like me, love."

Iseri still laid on her knees with her face down, staring at the man's shoes. The man bent down on one knee in front of her. Her mind drew a blank as her body stilled itself.

"Ya looked strong when I first seen you, but you just forgot what it's like ta be weak. Ya tried and failed, then went half kooky at an ankle biter's mental hospital." Hunter stared down at her glasses which were about to fall. With a sigh, he slowly lifted her chin, showing her empty eyes. He gathered his thoughts as he analyzed her face.

"A job's a job." He picked up her glasses and straightened them on her snotty nose. "Ya know, I never liked my mum either. I tried the same thing you did, but I actually pulled the thing off, see?" He scratched his beard as he stared at the now empty field. He coughed, "I had gotten life in prison until..." He paused, "...'til I was bailed outta there. Crikey, I still can't believe it. That was three years ag-"

Hunter looked back down at Iseri, and with barely a moment to react, she whipped her pistol up to his face, pulling the trigger. The bullet managed to graze his sideburns, leaving a trail of blood on the side of his face. Iseri's eyes focused on him now.

This is just my illusion. Nothing else, She thought as she began to stand up, wiping her face with her arm. "The last thing," She pointed the pistol at Hunter again, who is now on the ground,"The very last fucking thing you bring this shit up." Iseri's hand shook around the pistol as her tears boiled in her eyes. "I don't live that life anymore. I don't need to. And you're not gonna make me fucking live it again." Her eyes stared into his soul as she pulled the trigger. Hunter flashed away. Instead of hitting the dirt, the bullet zigzagged through the grass and zoomed behind Iseri. The wind blew through her hair as the bullet lodged itself into Hunter's chest.

She turned her head away from Hunter as his body fell to the ground, his chest spouting with blood.
"Cri...key," Hunter barely whimpered.

I don't even like to cuss.

She pointed her middle finger in the air. The bullet began to spin again in his chest, drilling its way up through his torso, before exploding out of the top of his head, his brain matter spilling. The blood tainted the grass crimson red. As Hunter's life left his eyes, the field was yet again covered with darkness.


Machida's head lurched as he got a punch to his gut. Hunter finally slowed down as Machida fell to the ground, "Ya defo would've had an interesting story-" Hunter felt his chest tighten up, the sudden pain bringing him down on one knee.
"Ah fuck me dead," He coughed. Hunter reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a blue inhaler. He took two puffs while Machida struggled to get up. Machida's jacket was deep in the sand beside him. His shoes were lost a few feet away, leaving his feet only a pair of socks to fend against the heat of the sand.

Machida took note of his symptom, Asthma, no wonder he has super speed. Sorry you didn't end up on the track team, but...

Machida restored his arm, leaving himself unarmed.
"You..." he coughed,"...ya buggered, geezer? Couldn't say the same for me self."

Machida was covered with bruises and sand, evidence of a rather one sided battle.

"You've been kicking up a lot of sand..." He pointed his index finger at Hunter and grinned, "Now try dodging this."
His index suddenly turned into a miniature gun, as he pulled the trigger with his middle finger. As expected, Hunter dashed away, sand kicked up to his left.

Left side. 3, 2, he thought as he restored his finger, pretending to look around.

Machida threw his arms up to his left side, metal shining over them.

A large clang echoed through the empty desert—dirt, dust, and wind flew against Machida. His foot nearly slipped at the impact. As the dust cleared, Hunter still towered above him, his palm resting on his dented arms.

Machida felt stuck , Wait, he only used his palm? He had only pushed me? Machida started to become aware of the desert's heat, his forehead sweating profusely.
Hunter's deep breaths started to settle down.
He disappeared again.
The sand erupted to the left again, and without a thought, Machida repeated his last action.

His eyes spinned, he saw blue, then yellow, blue, yellow. His feet were in the air. As he traveled back down into the sand bed, Hunter was already resting.

God damn, He thought as he got up, looking down at the imprint of his body in the sand, If that was concrete, I would've been dead. That was stupid of me.

Hunter laughed in between his coughs, his inhaler in his hand, " Next time, don't block high mate. Sweeped ya off ya feet clean."

He shook his arms before dashing off again.  .

He's fooling with me. But he's gonna regret doing that. Machida thought as his arms were covered in metal. He'll think I'm going for another block, but then...

The sand erupted behind him.

You fell for it.

Another clang echoed through the desert, Machida felt his back crack from Hunter's fist. Clench your teeth, Mach!

Hunter looked down at his fist, waiting for the smoke to clear. "Strange choice, mate. Ya can't do this forever."

"I won't be!"


A tiny red dot blinked on Machida's back. A cloud of red surged from Machida's back.


Machida's metallic skin burned, his muscles ached from weakness, he felt all of his body struggle to keep itself standing. Then silence returned. His ears rang, his back felt fleshy. Hunter's body thudded on the ground. He shook his head at the thought of looking at it. He shakily straightened his back, standing back up fully.

"It looks like turning the top layer of my skin into a bomb worked. The damage-" Machida felt a sudden wave of weakness overflow his body.
None of this is it doesn't matter how much it hurts. It doesn't...

Machida thudded to the ground behind Hunter, passing out as the world faded to black again.

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