Lightning: Göndul - she called out to the older woman.

Göndul: What is it, Lightning? - coming out from one of the aisles of books.

Lightning: Would you happen to know where I can find Fafnir?

Göndul: I don't believe I do, what is it that you need to speak with him about?

Lightning: From what I read, he was slain by the sword, Gram, I want to know if it is capable of slaying the dragon, Great Red.

Göndul: Lightning, I don't think you can defeat someone of Great Red's caliber.

Lightning: Not yet, I just need the right tools.

Göndul: Such as Gram?

Lightning: Exactly, right now, it is in the possession of Kiba Yuuto.

Göndul: So you will challenge him?

Lightning: Yes, but not until after he is done with this rating game.

Göndul: But he will be banished and his powers would be constricted, you're not one to look for an easy win, Lightning.

Lightning: I'm not looking for an easy win, I will request an exception for him.

Göndul: You'd still have an advantage, you will have tape on him to study him and his movements and how he fights, the rating game would add on to that, he has no tape on you.

Lightning: You're right, then I suppose you can give him my training sessions with Brynhildr - as she turned on her heel - I'm going to find Odin, and see if he can help me find Fafnir.

Göndul chuckled as she knew how Lightning was stubborn, to be honest, she reminded Göndul of Rossweisse, but with more confidence. She wondered what would happen if the two meet, she knew Lightning had no quarrel with Rossweisse, but she was intrigued by the prospect of them meeting, if Rossweisse wasn't fully banished. At least, her granddaughter had rights to see her, but she was gaining favor for a full banishment to be overturned.

Lightning walked down the halls of Odin's castle, giving nods to several valkyries that she had seen. She was focused on her task in speaking with Odin about Fafnir's whereabouts. For all she knew, the dragon was partnered with the nun, unaware that the dragon rescinded its contract to Asia and she didn't want to talk with one of the girls that betrayed Issei and tip them off. Reaching Odin's throne room, she promptly opened the door, she knew that he knew she was coming, something she learned about the All-Seeing Father during her time here.

Odin: Lightning, so good to see you.

Lightning: The feeling is not so mutual.

Odin: Haha, did you prefer me commenting on you not showing your breasts, I hope you're not feeling insecure about that, if you are, you won't get a boyfriend.

Lightning: I don't need a boyfriend, Odin, I just need you to tell me where I can find Fafnir.

Odin: Are you sure you want to find him, he may ask for your panties - chuckling at what the dragon had done with Asia.

Lightning: I'm aware that his perversion is a part of you, after all, you're the one that revived him - her eyes narrowed.

Odin: Haha, yes, I did, I suppose a small part of me latched onto him during the revival process, but why do you want to find him?

Lightning: Well, he was slain by the sword, Gram, I would like to know if the sword is capable of bringing down a dragon like Great Red.

Odin: Oh, Lightning, I'd rather not lose you so early, Great Red and Fafnir are on different levels and different rankings. Fafnir is a dragon king, whereas Great Red is a dragon god, or the dragon of dragons.

The Red ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now