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"Good morning darling!" My mom kissed my forehead.

"Mornin' mom." I barely mumbled.

"I made you an oat meal for breakfast, you better wake up before it gets cold!" She grabbed my hand.

She helped me get up and I went straight to the bathroom.I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, when I left I changed my clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast with my mom.

When I went downstairs I saw a decorative bag with beautiful red patterns in which we usually carry gifts. I sat down at the table and we started eating.

"What do you need this bag for?" I asked out of curiousity.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! The company invited me and your dad to dinner with the other workers, tonight at 7." she was really excited about that.

"Cool, I have a party at 7."

"Is that João's party, the one you told me about the other day?"

"Yes, I think it will be one of the best parties I've been to, I mean the whole school is invited!" I smiled thinking about the party.

We continued to eat but my moms mind was focused on something else, she was thinking about something looking straight at my soul, trying hard to read her. I was worried about her strange behavior but I decided to act normal, even tho my mom was deeply staring at me.

"What is happening between João and you?" she finally spoke up and stopped staring at me " I know you were friends but you became distant, aren't you?"

"Yeah, we're pretty distant now." I sighed.

"But why?"

"I mean, since he got a girlfriend we stopped talking, actually he stopped talking to me because she told him to." I sighed again and continued talking "But I heard she cheated on him, I still care for him but I don't know if he cares for me too. We even kissed once."

My mom listened carefully to every word. She was one of the people I trusted the most and I could tell her everything. I loved that we had such a relationship, not many families have that and I am very grateful for it. She was not the type of mom to be scared of and thank God she was not the patriotic type of mom to tell you that you can't lose your virginity before marriage, she was the cool mom.

"It's okay Stasi" she carresed my back slowly "You know, I love to repeat the thing my grandma always said to me when I was younger 'If it's meant to be, it will happen. If it's not, God has better plans for you.'. " she said it slowly, pronouncing each word clearly.

"I know you had a crush on him before Miguel, I found a picture of you two with a little heart drew around his face, It was under your pillow. I think you two would look cute together but you are with Miguel now, don't ruin the relationship you have now." she advised me.

"Thanks, I love you mom." I hugged her.


I couldn't wait to go to the party and the hours passed very slowly, but it was time to get ready. I was scared, I don't know why, I was getting goosebumps at the very thought of the party, I don't know if it was from excitement or from fear. The fear of meeting those eye againg, João's eyes. During that period, Miguel literally did not even exist, everything went back to the way it was.

I started to put the silk white dress on myself, trying to adjust it as best as possible. It fit me well and highlighted my features perfectly. I kept looking in the mirror and thinking about it, but I still managed to persuade myself to wear it. I was a very insecure person.

I straightened my hair which was then about 2 centimeters longer than my date with Miguel. I styled it nicely and continued to get ready. I put some makeup on my face, concealer over some small pimples I had and I applied some mascara over my long eyelashes.I decorated my lips with red lipstick and all I had left to do was put on my platform sandals.

𝑨𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆 I João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now