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Today is a very important day because we have a game.

My family won't be able to come, but my friends told me that they will definitely be there.

I'm still shaken by what happened yesterday, I still don't know what to think about that kiss or that comment of his. My head will explode soon if I keep going like this.

I got out of bed and started to get ready. I don't have any classes today, but I have a whole day of practice before the game, which will be at 5.

I put on my Nike pro shorts and a tracksuit over it to keep out the cold. I took a spare t-shirt and packed it in my training bag so I would have a change of clothes.

I make sure that I have packed the knee pads and sneakers and when I am sure that everything is ready, I leave for school.

My mom drove me to school and I arrived and immediately went to the gym.

I got there and immediately saw the coach preparing the balls for the later game.

I talked to him and later I left my things in the locker room and went to warm up.

I run a few laps with the other girls and do the usual exercises like squats and sit-ups. When I warmed up I drank some water and started practicing my serve.

When I'm done with the serve, I practice spikes and other movements in volleyball.

When we finished practicing, the coach let us go to school and have breakfast.

I left my backpack in the locker room and headed to the canteen to meet my friends.

I know João will be there and I'm scared because of that, but sometimes I have to face it. I don't know why he made me scared if he likes me even though everyone says he's in love with me but I still don't believe them.

As soon as I entered the canteen, I saw my friends who were waving at me. I walked to them and sat down on the empty seat next to Miguel.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Stasi!" they said happily.

João had a strange face on him, in a way he was ashamed, at least that's how I undersand it.

Cami is also strange. She was smirking at João all the time, as if she was signaling him to speak.

"Good luck today Stasi! I'm so sad bc I can't play." she said sadly.

She sprained her foot yesterday after school and the doctors told her she can't play for the next month.

"Our coach made us come to support you so I'm definitely coming!" Luis exclaimed.

"You can count on me." João said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry I can't come to your game Stasi, I have to go to my cousin's birthday party." Miguel apologized to me.

"Thanks guys, you don't know how much it means to me!"

I'm lucky to have friends who support me and care for me like they do. We're all always there to support each other and that's the most beautiful thing you need in life.

I talked to them and then I went back to the gym.

"Girls, since the game isn't until 5, I'm letting you go back home and rest, I'll see you again at 3:30pm." the coach told us.

"Thanks coach!" my teammate said.

"Goodbye!" we all shouted together and went back to the dressing room.

I sit on the bench and open the cabinet where my things are left.

"So Stasi, we heard that you and João Fèlix are together," she paused "and is that true?"

𝑨𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆 I João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now