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I looked at my watch and saw that it was 3. It was time to start getting ready.

I decided to wear a white crop top and black skinny jeans. I put on my white sneakers and took my black sunglasses. I took my purse and told my mom that I was going.

I left the house and went to wait for Luis and Catarina in front of her house. I waited for them for a good ten minutes until they finally appeared.

"Here we are!" Louis said pulling Catarina's hand.

"Finally. Lets go!"

We headed towards the beach and we talked along the way. I was waiting for them to start the story about João so that I could brag about my "brave" action. Not even 5 minutes had passed since we left and they had already delved into the topic, as usual.

"I guess Bernardo forced him to be in a relationship with Olivia, that's the only thing possible. I mean why would HE be in a relationship with the biggest pick me girl in the ENTIRE school! He has a brain!" Luis was literally yelling.

"I would beg you to stop talking about him because that is a finished story for me."

"What did you do?" Catarina looked at me worriedly.

"I burned all our memories and I don't care what he has to say about it. It's all over for me." I said with a serious expression on my face.

"YOU ARE NOT NORMAL! Did you really burn something??"

"Yes, I did, and I am proud of myself."

"I'm proud of you too! You finally managed to get rid of him!" Luis was jumping up and down with happiness.

Catarina immediately hugged me.They were glad that I finally managed to do it, but I was still afraid that if I saw him again, everything would go back to how it was before and I would cry again because of him and Olivia.

After 20 minutes of continuous walking, we finally arrived at the beach where everyone was gathered and ofc Olivia.

"Hey guys!" Camilla greeted us.

We greeted everyone and sat down on a blanket that was placed on the sand.

"What can we do now?"

"Let's talk gossip!" Luis said happily.

Luis was literally the biggest gossiper you can imagine. He knows all the kids at school and that's how he hangs out with everyone and gets information. Anything you asked him he would know.

"Did you hear that new student Brian drives sports cars! You probably didn't bc I barely managed to find out." Luis said.

"Yeah, I actually knew, I'm sitting with him on history."

"Cool!" Cami said.

"I also know that two people from here are going out on a date tomorrow. Guess who?"

I blushed immediately because I knew he was talking about Miguel and me.

"Who?" everyone was curious.

"Miguel and Stasi!"

"Oh shit." I thought.

I looked at everyone's faces as Cami congratulated me.

João's face was pale and he was looking straight into my soul with his eyes. It was like he was trying to make me love him again.

And I did.

All the feelings came back again and Miguel was just a silhouette for who I had no feelings. I didn't know what to do with myself. He was so intoxicating and I couldn't get rid of him.

"Thanks guys!"

And Olivia also had a kind of jealous face. She was looking at Miguel, she didn't take her eyes off him. And he was looking at her, as if they knew something but didn't tell us.

"I'll take a short walk by the ocean." I needed peace.

I got up from the blanket and ran barefoot to the ocean.

I dipped my feet a little and started walking on the wet sand. My hair fluttered in the gentle breeze while my thoughts were far away in the clouds. As if I was mesmerized I walked along the beach looking at the beautiful sunset on the horizon.

I've never felt like this. I was as if I was the only one in the world. Alone with myself, in my own world, in my own peace and quiet that was interrupted by the restless rustle of the waves.

Suddenly I felt a cold touch on my wrist. Reflexively, I turned around and was face to face with João.

"Stasi, what's going on with you?" he looked me straight in the eyes.

"That's what I should ask João Fèlix." I was looking at the waves.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you avoided me today and didn't want to talk to me, not at lunch or anytime. Did she order you to do that?" I spoke calmly, mesmerized by the sight that was in front of me.

"I'm so sorry Stasi. I'm sorry for hurting you and-"

"It's too late for everything João. It's over, everything is over for us."

"It's not late Stasi, just don't do this to me." he begged me.

"You chose the path João, now deal with the consequences Mr. Fèlix."

"What the fuck Anastasia? Why are you doing this to me, why are you doing this to us? I thought you love me?"

Straight to the heart with the word love. He knew I would fall for it, but I still managed to hold on.

"I loved you João, that was before. It's over now, there is no going back."

"I know you still love me, you just don't want to admit it. I love you too Anastasia." he spoke gently.

His eyes were almost full of tears and I was cold as ice. But I knew that the ice inside me would soon melt and that I would melt because of him, because that's who I am.

"What is love anyway? Is it just a word or a feeling. A word you say just because you want to say something or something you feel every day because of someone who makes you feel special, tell me João, how do you see it?"

The silence spoke for itself.

I thought he was going to say at least one word, but he just looked at me blankly, as if he didn't understand me, and I know he did, that was the end for me.

"Goodbye João."

I ran to the others and started to put on my sneakers.

"What happened there?" Olivia asked me worried about her lovely boyfriend.

"Nothing. Sorry, but I have to go, see you tomorrow!" I grabbed my phone and ran off the beach.

They all stood there just looking at me as I could see João's eyes shining in the distance.

I ran to the house and as soon as I got there I ran into the shower. I needed to take all that stress off of me.

But the only thing on my mind were his chestnut eyes.

Everything is back to the way it was. Everything but us.


It took me a long time but here is a new chapter finally! Thank you for 300+ readers! How do you think João felt at that moment and will Anastasia let her heart decide or will she simply force herself to love Miguel?Vote if you liked it snd please leave recommendations🙏.

urfavblondewriter loves you😘


(ps. I didn't proof read.)

𝑨𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆 I João FélixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon