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As soon as I got back from school, I slowly started getting ready for my date with Miguel.

I wasn't sure about it, but now it's too late to cancel. It's just that everything is difficult for me and my brain is full, I need a break from everything. I needed a break from school, João especially, training, I no longer knew what I was doing and what I was thinking.

When I had lunch I went back to my room and started to choose things to wear. I took different things out of the closet but still couldn't find the right combination. My room was a complete mess.

"What should I wear!" I was nervously walking around the room.

I dialed Catarina's number out of nervousness.

"Let me guess!You don't know what to wear!" Catarina answered.

"Yes, please help me!"

I showed her all the things I have and it didn't take long for her to come up with the perfect combination for me. She was a fashion genius, ever since she was a child she wanted to become a fashion designer and work for one of the luxury companies like my favorite Dior.

"You should definitely wear that short white dress w ur hair down. It will go perfectly with the white sandals!Don't forget your sunglasses!"

"Thanks, ur the best!"

"Thx and don't forget to test me how it went! Bye!!"

She ended the call.

I put all the things back in the closet and left the beautiful white silk dress on the bed. I took the sandals out of the box and slowly started to get ready.

First, I showered, shaved, washed my hair and teeth. I dried my hair with a hair dryer and put on a little make-up. I've never been a big fan of makeup, so I just put on some concealer, mascara and lip gloss.

Back then I had short brown hair, just below my shoulders. Brown is not my natural hair color, I am a natural blonde. I dyed my hair when I was living in Greece, because of my boyfriend Alexander who loved brunettes at the time. I was so stupid.

I put on my dress and sprayed some of my perfume. I combed my hair and styled it. I put on my sunglasses and put on my white sandals. Lastly, I found my favorite black purse in the and sat on my couch.

I waited a few minutes and I heard a car horn. I immediately got up from the couch and ran down the stairs. I said goodbye to my mom and left the house.

When I got out, I saw a black Mercedes Benz with an open roof and Miguel looking at me with his sunglasses on.


Hi Stasi, you look beautiful!" he spoke charmingly.

"Hi Miguel, you don't look bad either!" I opened the door of his car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"It's a surprise!"

He started the car and we headed towards that mysterious location. There wasn't even a gentle breeze outside, and a beautiful bird song echoed through the streets. Even though it was already mid-October, the sun was shining and it was about 30 degrees outside. I love that Portuguese weather.

His radio was playing Party Monster by The Weeknd, one of my favorites. That album was my favorite. It came out 2 years ago and since then I've been listening to it non-stop, my dream is to go to one of his concerts.

I vibed along to the song, sometimes singing the lyrics while Miguel drove and kept giving me glances.

"We're here!" Miguel stopped the vehicle.

We were in front of a park that has a view right on the bay. Many well-known restaurants and cafes are located there, making it a favorite hang out or date location.

We got out of the car together and Miguel took my hand.

"Follow me." he pulled me and I followed him through the park.

We were walking through the park hand in hand. I had never gone out with someone in those restaurants before, it was my first time. We were getting closer to the restaurants and we could already slowly see and hear the waves.

Suddenly, Miguel put his hands over my eyes and slowly continued to walk.

"Surprise!" Miguel stopped and removed his hands.

In front of me was a view like from a fairy tale. The sun's reflection on the water and the enchanting sunset that is just beginning. All of that was complemented by the sound of waves hitting the rock sharply and the interesting sound of seagulls, it was indescribable.

"It's really beautiful Miguel!"

"Just like you Anastasia."

"Let's go, I have a reservation." he took my hand again and led me into the restaurant.

In a few minutes we sat down at our table and ordered food, I ordered spaghetti Bolognese and he took some other pasta. We sat on the terrace, which had an even better view of the ocean.

This place is called Oeiras and it is about 20 minutes away from Lisbon. I have heard many times but I have never been until then. It is one of the closest exits to the ocean from Lisbon.

In a few minutes our food arrived and we started eating. Miguel kept asking me something and often made me laugh, he really made an effort with this. We hung out and learned something new about each other, it was really interesting.

It was already late so we decided to go back home. He insisted on paying the bill and I barely let him go. When he paid we left the restaurant and walked back through the park back to his car. When we sat down Miguel raised the roof of his car and we headed back home.

I looked thoughtfully out the window while Miguel drove slowly down the road. A song by Selena Gomez was playing on the radio, which perfectly adapted to the silence. No one said anything until we got to my house, it was an awkward silence.

When we arrived Miguel stopped the car and finally spoke.

"So Anastasia..." he stopped. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he said suddenly.

I found it very strange that he decided to ask me that so quickly. I was completely amazed. I thought quickly and I couldn't find the answer anywhere in my head, I needed to prepare for that moment before but I didn't.

"Yes or No? What should I say to him? If I say Yes, then I'm not sure if I'll love him or if he'll just be someone I'll use for some stupid plan. And if I say No, then I'll regret it because he behaved really well according to me." I was thinking.

"Yes, I want." I said my decision.

From then on, we both kept silent, nobody said anything, we just sat in his car in front of my house. It was very uncomfortable.

"I want to kiss him." that thought ran through my mind.

I grabbed Miguel by the neck and smacked my lips on his. I thought it would be the same as the kiss with João, but it wasn't. João is a much better kisser.

And again, he was in my head then, I imagined kissing him, I really feel disgusting that I'm doing it, but I just can't. It was so hard to forget him.

Miguel was taken aback by the kiss, his face showing pure astonishment.

I opened his car door, got out and went to his window.

"See you tomorrow Miguel." I leaned against the window.

"See ya tomorrow babe." he said slyly and gave me a peck on the cheek.

He rolled up the window and left.


Do you think this is cute from Miguel?I will add another social media chapter!Vote if you liked it and pls leave recommendations!(I didn't proof read!)

urfavblondewriter loves you😘


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