Cherry Blossoms

37 2 6

Third Person POV

Both began to walk towards each other's direction, neither of them making eye contact. They were both clearly still focused on the recent text. Only when they met in the middle was when their eyes met. Both of them had a nervous wave. "I'm glad we could see eachother again," Katsuki said, smiling slightly. Although he felt awkward, something about the presence of Izuku just made him feel more comfortable. "Me too," Izuku said grinning, tilting his head up a bit to look up at the blonde. As they continued to talk they slowly forgot all about the text. Something just felt right being together. "So, do you come here often?" Katsuki asked, trying to start a conversation. "I like to in my free time, most of the time I spend with my friends," Izuku said. "You guys are close I'm assuming, I see you talk to them a lot during work," Katsuki replied. "Yeah, they really helped navigate me in life," Izuku replied, looking down grinning. Katsuki couldn't help but admire his beauty in the sun. He had only ever seen him in a dim lighted bar, but in the light he practically glowed. "What about you," Izuku said, tilting his head a bit, snapping Katsuki out of his trance. "Hah?" Katsuki answered, not knowing what he meant. "Oh, those guys you were hanging out with, you guys see close," He responded. "Oh yeah.. Whatever. They can be dumbasses but I enjoy their company I guess," Katsuki mutters the last bit, realizing he had never admitted that to anyone. "You know.. You seem kind of mean at first but once someone gets to know you, you are really sweet," Izuku said, looking up at the taller blonde once more, making eye contact. A slight blush came across Katsukis face before realizing and saying, "What's that supposed to mean, hah?!" he answered playfully. "You want the answer? You got to catch me first!" Izuku began to giggle as he ran off. "HEY! Come back here idiot!" Katsuki started to trail behind, before eventually coming to a stop.

"We're here," Izuku said, eyes sparkling with happiness. Katsuki began to look around, it was beautiful. Cherry Blossoms blew in the wind as the trees they sprouted from shook peacefully in the wind. You could see for miles, since it sat on a hilltop. "It's..beautiful," Katsuki said, in shock from the view, "How the hell did you find this place?" "One of my exes took me here.. Before dumping me" He said, eyes glued to the ground. "Hey nerd, I thought you said you'd tell me if I caught you," he said before tackling Izuku to the ground, in a warm embrace.. Something like a hug. As Katsuki had his hands gently laid on Izuku's small waist he nuzzled his face into his shoulder. "This.." he mumbled quietly. "Hm?" Katsuki hummed. "This is what I mean," Izuku responded, picking the cherry blossoms out of his hair. That is when they both realized the position they were in, red spreading across their cheeks.-- "ah sorry!" they both apologized– but instead of moving they both of their eyes slowly traveled to each other's lips. As they began to lean in slowly, Katsuki's phone began to ring. "Oh shit! I have to go!" Katsuki panicked, getting up and beginning to run down the hill. As Izuku began to stand up, disappointed, he realized Katsuki was running back. Before he could move, their lips connected. It was a soft gentle, loving kiss. It felt like time stopped as Izuku's eyelids fluttered shut, melting into the kiss. Katsuki hesitantly parted as he began to run back down, leaving Izuku there frozen in shock. 

Word Count- 617


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