Text Buddies

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Chapter 5

Third person POV

"Hey can I get your number?"

Izuku immediately froze in shock, ever since his past relationships he would gladly turn anyone down. ..but as he had said many times– something was different about him. He had a fierce yet humble look in his eyes. So Izuku turned around and gave a faint, "Sure"

Katsuki POV

It had been two days since I got the nerds number. We've chatted a bit, I've gotten to know him better but we haven't seen each other since that night at the bar. Not that it was my fault, the office has just gotten busy over the past few days. I'm planning on asking him out soon, I just don't know how to ask. Just as soon as I thought that I heard a certain yellow-haired idiot barge into my office. As much as I hate to admit it, he may be the one to ask for advice. "Hey dude! Me and Kirishima, along with a few co-workers, are heading to go get some lunch. Wanna come with us?" He said cheerfully. I sighed, "I guess it wouldn't hurt." I replied. As me and dunce-face started walking towards the coffee shop I decided it would be a good time to ask him, "Hey, how did you ask Jirou out?" I mumbled as I stuffed my hands in my pockets. I could see his face light up, "This is the second time you've asked me for relationship advice, I must be the king of hearts!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "Don't get any stupid ideas, somehow you're the only idiot who is in a relationship right now, so just answer the damn question." I said hastily. "Honestly it was as easy as asking for their number," he began, "Just go with the flow dude, ask what they like to do in their freetime and take it from there!" Dammnit.. Somehow the stupidest of us all is suddenly the smartest. As much as I hate admitting it I was thankful so I gave a quick 'Thanks or whatever' and quickly barged into the store. As I walked in with Kaminari trailing behind me, it didn't take long to find the table because of a particular redhead waving his hand up in the air. "Hey, you guys made it!" He yelled across the restaurant gesturing for us to come sit at the table. We stayed there for about 30 minutes before parting our ways, not that they will ever find out, but I actually did enjoy their company. As I began walking back to the office, I stopped to sit down on a bench when my phone buzzed. I didn't think much of it until I saw, "Deku 💚" pop up in my notifications. I eagerly clicked on my messages to see what he had said.

Deku 💚

-Hey! I'm off work for the day, I was wondering if you were busy.

No, I'm actually on my lunch break.

-Oh perfect timing then!

Yeah, I was actually wanting to ask you something

-Go ahead I'm all ears! 🙂

Well, do you have any hobbies or something?

- Hm..

-Oh, I know! I love going on walks in the park

Oh, really. I'm actually in the park right now

Would you maybe like to come now?

-Sure, I'd love to! See you there, Kachan! <3

Katsuki POV

I blushed slightly at the nickname. Since I had heard wrong the first time thinking his name was "Deku" he decided to give me a nickname as well. That's when I just noticed the heart at the end.. HEART?! What is that supposed to mean?! Is that good? Does it mean he likes me? 'Maybe I'm just overthinking it' I told myself, but still. None of my friends ever ended messages with a heart.

Izuku POV

I had just got off of work and decided to text Kachan. We hadn't seen each other in awhile so I was hoping I'd be able to see him again.

-Hey! I'm off work for the day, I was wondering if you were busy.

No, I'm actually on my lunch break.

-Oh perfect timing then!

Yeah, I was actually wanting to ask you something

-Go ahead I'm all ears! 🙂

Well, do you have any hobbies or something?

- Hm..

-Oh, I know! I love going on walks in the park

Oh, really. I'm actually in the park right now

Would you maybe like to come now?

-Sure, I'd love to! See you there, Kachan! <3

I started to walk happily towards the park, that's when I realized.. I sent a heart. I immediately started to panic, I usually ended my messages with a heart. But this was DIFFERENT, I liked him and I sent a heart to him. I probably looked stupid to the people who passed me as I started to panic. What if he doesn't like me back?! What if he thinks I'm weird now?! Oh god, why does this have to be so complicated!? I took a deep breath and slowly started to calm down. It's not that big of a deal.. Right?

Word Count- 858 ・°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°.

A/N I made this chapter extra long so I might not be doing as many chapters as I had promised earlier. Anyways, I hope you liked it 

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