Vihaan turns to leave when they both gets shocked seeing Amayra standing there with her eyes filled with tears. She runs towards Avu and hugs her legs while vihaan hold avu as she was going to fall back in the pool due to sudden hug of Amayra. She bends down and hugs her while vihaan leaves her hand and left from there.

Avu-: don't cry baby... Why are you crying..??

Amayra-: Why he was holding you so close and hurting you...?? She asks her as she had seen vihaan pressing her hands tightly and seeing tears in Avu's eye's brought tears in her eyes. Avu explains her somehow and tells her not to tell this to anyone to which Amayra nodded.

Avu-: Do you have your dinner...??

Amayra-: yes... Daddy feed me... Avu nods and they both goes inside after wiping both of their tears.

Avu-: why you didn't sleep..?? She asks her while lifting her up in her arms.

Amayra-: I slept but woke up... Room was empty so I got scared... She says while Avu nods and kisses her forehead and they both reaches living room where everyone was present. She looks at vihaan who was not even looking at her, she thought that he's angry from her and it's better if he starts hating her and move on in his life, so she looks back at Sid who was busy with his and hers dad.

Avu makes Amayra sit on couch and then goes to guest room to wash her face and eye's which were lil red. She stands infront of mirror and sliding her dress she looks at the finger prints of vihaan on her arms. She breaks down while crying thinking about her past with vihaan when they both were so happy.

Avu-: god what's happening with me...?? Why I'm again getting attracted towards vihaan when I love Sid...?? Why it's affecting me if he's angry from me...?? What kind of feeling is this...?? I don't hate vihaan but I don't even love him, I only love Sid, he's my everything and vihaan is not wrong, I had judged him wrongly so it's my fault... I can't let my past affect my present and future... No I can't let anyone come between me and Sid... No no I will not make anyone suffer again because of vihaan, I'll not take any wrong step because of him or anyone else... My first and last priority is Sid, only Sid. I'll not let our relationship affect because of all this...

She says to herself and gets up and applies ointment on her arms and composes herself and After half and hour, she comes out to find the whole living room empty.

Avu-: Where's everyone...?? She asks to one servant.

Servant-: ma'am everyone has already left for airport... Siddharth sir is waiting for you outside... He tells her while Avu nods and goes outside after taking her handbag and mobile.

She goes out and sees Sid, vihaan and kunal standing there. She goes towards them.

Sid-: Where were you...?? What took you so long to come..??

Avu-: nothing... Just lil headache...

Sid-: are you fine...?? Or should we leave tomorrow instead of today...?? He asks her worriedly.

Avu-: nope I'm fine...

Sid (concernly)-: sure...?? She nods.

Kunal-: muskan if you're not feeling well so it's oky we can go tomorrow also... And the rituals of marriage is gonna start from day after tomorrow...

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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