I love you...😭

Start from the beginning

Rain : Auntie I will explain everything to you...
It was a misunderstanding....
Please tell me where Payu is...
I want to see him... I want to talk to him....

Payu mom : Rain but he told me not to tell you... where he is...!!!

Rain : Auntie I beg you... please I'll die without seeing him...
Please I want to explain him...

Payu mom felt so sad...

Payu mom : Rain he is in our farm house...
I'll send you the location... please go and sort out your misunderstandings....

Rain : Sure auntie...
Thank you so much...

Payu mom : That's okay son...
I want you both to be happy that's all...

Rain quickly gets ready and takes his car...
He rushes to the farm house where Payu was there.

He rushes to the farm house where Payu was there

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He starts to knock the door and ring the door bell...

Finally after 5 minutes Payu opens the door....

He was stunned to see Rain in that condition...

Rain was completely tired and his face...hair everything was messed up...

Payu : Rain...!!!
Why are you here...???
Why are you in this condition....???

Rain holds Payu collar...

Rain : Do you take me for granted ah...???
Am dying to see you from past 2 days...

I called you 1000 times....

Do you want me to die...???

Payu : Why did you call me...???

Rain : Payu please don't make me mad...

You left without even listening to me and my explanation....

Payu : But I saw your ex holding your hands and and he kissed you...

What else you want me to do....???

Rain : Payu... that was misunderstanding....

" I love you... Payu...!!!"

I was explaining him the same and he suddenly kissed me asking me to go back to him...

But I was saying that I love my husband....

Payu : You never even told me that you like me...

Rain starts to cry....

Rain: And what about you....??? You never told me that you liked me from a long time ago.. even before getting married to me...😭

Rain continues....
Rain : Your mom told me that your going to divorce me...
Is that true...???

Payu : Yes I was thinking...
I thought you will get back to your ex...

Rain slaps Payu...!!!

Rain : Idiot how can you even think of divorcing me...???

Don't you love me ahh..???

This is how you love me ah....????

Rain cries more and more...

Payu : Rain please don't cry listen to me...

Rain was so exhausted... he had not eaten anything for more than a day and was fully crying....

He suddenly faint and falls...

Payu quickly holds him...

Payu gets panic....

He quickly takes him to bedroom and makes him to lay on the bed and calls the doctor...

Doctor arrives and checks Rain...

Doctor : Payu I think Rain body is completely exhausted....
He did not have his food I guess...

I will inject him the IV saline drip...
He will be awake in sometime....

Please feed him something when he wakes up....

Payu : Sure doctor... thank you so much....!!!

Payu sits next to Rain and cries...
He holds Rain hands...

Payu : Am sorry my heart beat... my really so sorry...!!!

End of chapter...!!!
I felt like crying while writing this chapter...🥺
Comment down how you all felt...!!!

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