The marriage...!!! 💍

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Morning Rain wakes up and sit on his bed...
Still he couldn't believe what happened yesterday night...

Rain still thought that might be everything was a dream...

He immediately takes out his mobile and saw there was Payu phone number in it...

After thinking for sometime he calls Payu...

Payu : Hello...

Rain : Is this Payu..???

Payu : Yes Rain.. it's me Payu...

Rain : Can we meet up and have a little talk...
I cannot remember everything which we spoke in the pub the last night...

Payu : Sure that will be fine...

Rain tells him the location and time...

After sometime Rain reaches the cafe and waits for Payu...

After 10 minutes Payu reaches the cafe...

They both sits to talk...

Payu : Do you want to drink something...

Rain : Just a cold coffee is fine for me..

Payu : Okay then Rain you wanted to speak to me right..???

Rain : Yes...
Before we get married I want to clarify some things with you...

Payu : Sure go on...

Rain : As I already told you am marrying just for few months that's all...

And after marriage I don't have any problem in coming and staying at your home but I want my separate room...

I can cook for myself and take care of myself...

It's just that till the marriage ends I will be in your home...

I don't want anyone to question me...

Even I will not interfere in your life...
I will not question anything to you...

Is that fine for you...???

Payu : Yes am okay...
But one thing... where ever you are if your getting back home late and not coming home that day please can you inform me...

So that I will be knowing where you are...

Rain : Sure that's not a problem...

Rain was silent for sometime...

Payu : Anything else you want to speak...

Rain : Payu can I ask you something...??

Payu : Yes tell me...

Rain : I really don't understand why your agreeing for this type of marriage...
There is seriously no meaning in it...

And your son of the company CEO...

Payu : When you were crying yesterday I really felt like helping you...
And moreover I am not in any relationship...

So am glad to help you...

Payu continues...

Payu : Rain can I take you to my parents home and introduce you so that marriage will be fixed soon...

Rain : Sure... but will they agree..???

Payu : Just pretend to be my boyfriend...
I will take care of the rest...

Finally Payu takes Rain to his parents home...

Payu parents are very kind and polite...

They welcomed both Payu and Rain...

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