Rain helps Payu...🔞

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Morning Rain wakes up first...

He opens his eyes and saw Payu so close to him...

Rain remembers the hug and kiss...

He feels so shy...

For the first time Rain carefully looked at Payu...

Rain felt... "God he is so handsome even while sleeping..."

He softly touches Payu's lips...

His lips are so beautiful...!!!

Even with those messy hair and sleeping face he was looking gorgeous...

Rain couldn't take his eyes off Payu...

Finally realisation hits him and he soon gets up from the bed and goes to bathroom to freshen up...

Payu gets up... to see Rain is not next to him...

He was getting up from the bed when Rain comes in from bathroom...

Payu : How are you feeling now Rain...??
Are you okay...???

Rain : Yes I feel better now...

Payu : Rain can I ask you something...???

Rain : Sure ask me... Payu...!!!

Payu makes Rain to sit on bed and sits in front of him...

Payu : Rain can you not drink like that and spoil you health...
I know I cannot ask you because it's your life...
But still am concerned... Can you stop drinking like that daily...???

Your already looking so weak because of vomiting daily and not having proper food...

Rain : Do you care about me...??

Payu : Yes I care about you...
Though our marriage has no meaning still your married to me and your with me in my home...

So I do care about you...

Rain was feeling happy inside that Payu was caring about him...

Rain : Okay then I won't drink... like I always do...I will try to take care of my health...

Payu felt happy...

Payu : Are you sure you will take care of your health...???

Rain : Yes Payu..!!! I will...

Later at evening after office Payu and Rain were at home...

James calls Payu...

James : Payu come will go watch bike race....

Payu and James goes to watch bike race every month which will be held once in a month...

Payu : No am not in a mood to come this time..
You go...

James : Payu seriously don't make me to get angry...
I know you will sit and just admire your Rain...

And he will not give any reaction for that...

You better come or else I will kill you...

Finally Payu agrees...

James : Will go together in your bike....Take your bike and come...

Payu : Okay fine...

Payu : Rain am going out with James... I'll be back bit late.. please have dinner and sleep...

If you going anywhere please text me...

Rain : Sure Payu...

Payu takes his bike and goes...
While going the weather was really good...

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