Payu's decision to marry Rain...

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Rain was in a relationship with Luke from about a year...

He was so happy with him...

Even though Luke was very careless about the relationship Rain loved him so much because Luke was Rain's first relationship...

Luke was very careless about Rain...

Rain had a boring character...

When ever Luke calls Rain to pub and parties Rain always ignored it...

Luke had also requested him to come live together but Rain had given so many reasons...

This all made Luke very angry and careless...

Finally Luke starts to have an affair with one Rain's friend Pat...

Rain tried to meet Luke for a week but Luke had given so many reasons and ignored him...

Finally Rain thinks of going and meeting Luke in his apartment...

When Rain enters the apartment he was shocked...😳

The world of Rain was collapsed in matter of seconds...

Luke and Pat were making out in living room...

Rain cries he tries to get a explanation from Luke...

The only things Luke says was...

Luke : See Rain am tired of our relationship...
I don't want to be with such a boring guy like you...

I like Pat now...

I was already thinking of meeting you and telling you that will end this and breakup...

Pat is perfect for me in everything...

Am even thinking of marrying him in some days...

So better do not disturb me anymore...

Rain was so hurt...

He just slaps Luke hard... and doesn't say anything...

He gets out of Luke's apartment...!!!

Rain was working in the Payu's dad company...

Payu often visited office and saw Rain 3 to 4 times and had liked Rain...

But when he enquired about Rain with his friend James who was working in the same office...

James had told that Rain was already in a relationship...

So Payu had just ignored it...

On the day of breakup Rain went to pub and was drinking like a crazy dog...

He was so sad and depressed...

Same day Payu and James also went to the pub...

There Payu saw Rain in that condition.... Drinking and crying...

But he did not know how to approach him or speak to him..

Payu shows Rain to James...

James was a good friend of Rain as both worked in same department in the office...

So James approaches Rain along with Payu...

James : What happened Rain...
Why are you in this condition ..???

Rain : Nothing it's just my personal problem..

James keeps quite and both Payu and James sit next to Rain without speaking anything...

But as times goes on Rain was drinking more and more...

Payu couldn't see Rain in that condition so he forces James to speak again...

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