Rain kisses Payu 😘

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Rain got ready and took his car keys and went to office...

Payu usually doesn't go to office...
He used to go to office only on important meetings...

But because of Rain... Payu felt like going to office and seeing him in office...

So he gets ready and goes to office...

At office...

Payu dad : Oh my son finally felt like coming to office....

Payu : Yeah dad Rain is here so I came...

Payu dad : So you came to office for Rain ..???

Payu : Kind of yes...!!!

Payu dad : Oh Payu...!!!
Fine at least for the sake of your wife you stepped into office that's really good...

Payu now goes to the floor where Rain was working and sits on the cabin in that floor...

Jose(Rain friend) : Rain... Rain...

Rain : What... why are you screaming...??

Jose : Your husband as come to our floor and sitting in the cabin...

Rain : What..???
Morning when I left home he was at home itself...

Jose : Yes he came now...

Rain didn't know weather to go ask Payu or keep quiet...

James saw Payu and goes inside the cabin...

Payu : Oh hello James...

James : Payu why did you come to office...
All of the sudden..???

Payu : James it's my office I can come when ever I want...

James : I have seen you...
If you come to office also...you never came to this floor...
Why are you sitting in this floor now...???

James continues...

James : Payu am your friend...
I cannot see you getting hurt later...
I know you like Rain so much...

But I don't see he ever notices that...

Please understand don't fall for him more...

Payu : James let me be frank with you...

Am trying a lot not to fall for him...

But every time I see him... I fall more for him and I feel like protecting him...

James : I know your feeling Payu...
But he never see you in that way na...

I told you so much not to get married to him...
Because I knew you will fall more for him...

But your ready to get hurt then it's really up to you...

I can just advise you that's all...

In was lunch time Rain bumps into Payu...

Rain : I thought your not going to come to office...

Payu : Yes.. but I was feeling bored so I came...

Did you have your lunch...???

Rain : Yes Payu I had and what about you...??

Payu : Yes I too had...

Evening both Payu and Rain goes back home in their separate cars and Payu dad saw that...

He calls Payu...

Payu dad : Payu..!!! Why you and Rain came separately...???
Did you both fight or what....???

Payu : No dad actually he left early...
Then I felt bored at home so I came late to office in my car...

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