17. whatever it takes

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May and I watch the live feed of the interrogation from the comms room, we both stayed silence. Coulson already went in and was waiting for her to wake up. After about 20 minutes she finally started moving around. May and I paid close attention to the screen.

"Hello, Akela." Coulson spoke professionally and the women just stared at him "You're safe now." A light smile grew on his face and the girl jump up in the bed

"Give it a minute. I hit you with a powerful dendrotoxin." We heard Coulson speak and Akela started panting, you could tell she was confused

"There's a kill switch in my eye. Why hasn't my handler blown it yet?" She never looked over to where Coulson was sat

"As far as your handler knows, you fought Agent May, you both went down, then you got up and let the building to complete your mission." Coulson spoke softly again to the women

"How?" She still hasn't looked over to him

"We hijacked your feed. One of my agents is wearing a set of glasses mimicking your implant. Right now, it's transmitting his point of view as if it was yours. It even has backscatter imaging." Coulson explained

"I get messages from my handler." Akela spoke again, never looking up

"We're receiving those as well. My agent's on his way to the Todorov Building, completing your mission while we disable the fail-safe in your eye." Coulson paused for a moment "I promise they can't see you. You're okay, Akela. Look at me." Coulson was soft as he spoke to her. that's what she needed right now

She slowly started to move her head over in his direction and made eye contact, you could tell this scared her to do.

"How long have they been monitoring you?" Coulson asks finally getting to look her in the eyes

"Years." She spoke and Coulson nodded to her "Why are you doing this, Coulson?" Her voice was deep

"I knew to know why a prox card is worth 30 million." Coulson said

"No. Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? Where's the "I told you so"?" Her voice got deeper

Coulson let's out a sigh "That's not me anymore. I'm just glad you're alive." Coulson would only now speak softly to the young women sitting in from of him, his first comment made me raise an eyebrow to the screen

"Vanchat would've never caught us if I'd just done my job." The women looks away from him "I should've listened to you. Trusted my team the way you insisted." May react to this "If I had, they might still be alive." Akela finishes speaking. This made me feel bad for her, I understood what that felt like but I hadn't cared back then. Now was different.

The set up between Akela and Coulson changed, they were comfortable with each other again. He was getting more out of her by pieces, you could tell she actually didn't know much about what was going on.

I motioned to May that I would head downstairs to the lab to check in on Fitz-Simmons, they were prepping for surgery. I stood back in a corner watching them finish things up, I knew they didn't need my help. This was Jemma's specialty or I thought, I was just worried. Mostly for Skye, Grant wouldn't be able to help her if things went south and I was worried about Grant when that should've been my last thought. The two moved over to me when they finished getting the tools set out and Coulson was coming down the stairs to meet the three of us

"Ward's on site, we don't have much time" I spoke as we stood in a circle, May stayed upstairs

"To remove her eyeball." Fitz spoke down to the ground

"Ocular surgery's not really my field of expertise." Simmons looked at Coulson nervously

"We've got no other choice. There's a kill switch inside Akela. Could be a poison, could be an explosive. Either way, If Ward's caught, they'll kill her instantly." Coulson looks between the two of them, they both looked nervous at this point. Both Coulson and I started walking away

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