16. you value me

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We walk into the bus in a single file line with Grant leading us, May looks down at us from the balcony. Coulson was the last one behind us all. Grant, Coulson and I walk into comms room to talk about what happened

"Sir, Amador attacked you and your people. What's we regard you hold for her isn't reciprocated. She just kicked us in the teeth." Grant says to Coulson with his hands on the desk, Coulson does the same and I stay in the corner waiting to up my input in.

"How's the team?" Coulson asked disappointedly

"Rattled. No broken bones. We're lucky she just knocked the van over so she could get away. Probably take a while for our folks to refocus." Grant paused slightly when he finished speaking, Skye walks in and I give her a smile.

"I think I can recover the data signature of that encrypted broadcast. I don't understand it yet, but that's how she was watching us. Give me an hour. Maybe we can start watching back." Skye spoke with a smile on her and left as soon as she was down speaking to us

Coulson, Grant and I follow the girl down the stairs to the lab where she was standing, looking at a computer and Fitz-Simmons behind her. May even came down behind Coulson. I walk over to Fitz side and put my hand on his shoulder and remove it, he looked the most shaken up. All he did was look at me and nod to me, I smile back. Once I remove it, Skye starts speaking.

"Something's wrong. It's the same feed that was watching us in the van. Uh Put it on the big monitor." Skye turned around to Fitz-Simmons and all of us move over

"Maybe the lens broke when the van rammed us." Simmons says as the seven of us move over to the table, this time I was standing next to Grant

"I hope she broke more than that." Skye said turning on the screen so we could watch, We all weren't sure what we were watching until a hand appeared, It was Amador whipping down a foggy mirror.

"It's a mirror. Are we recording this?" Coulson moved closer to the screen on the other side of the table

"We are now." Skye hit a bottom on the tablet and we all follow to the other side of the table with him to get a better look

"Whoa!" Fitz says behind us

"How are we seeing this? Where's the camera?" Coulson asks and he can't take his eye off the screen than the feed goes down and you see a little hand mirror with a case of needles, Amador picks one of them up and puts it in here eye. This reminded me of Hydra, there were rumors that they did this to some people but I wasn't too sure if that was the case.

"It's her eye. She's the camera." I say in shock and everyone other than May and I looked disgusted. The camera turned to X-ray and you could see the machine in her eye.

"It switches to backscatter when she closes her eyes." Fitz says behind all of us

"You're a robot, can you do that?" Skye looks over to me and no one answers her, I don't even look in her direction

"Who has tech like this?" Grant ask looking over at Fitz

"We don't. Not like this. Not this small and internal, that's a least a decade ahead of anything I've seen. Though, now that I've seen it, I could maybe approximate. Uh The Backscatter, X-ray, a micro transceiver that somehow doesn't fry her brain, an internal power source." At this point Fitz has turned to Simmons to speak to her

"All miniaturized. Honestly, It's genius" "That's genius" Fitz-Simmons speak at the same time

"We have to bring her in." Coulson couldn't look away from the screen

"We have to take her out. She's a weapon." May finally spoke "I'll call HQ, see if we can bring a task force in to help us." All of us looked at May and she turns to walk away

"Our team can handle this." Coulson looked at her and she turns back to face him, all of us were silent. Fitz-Simmons move back in sync when May walked past them and move forward when she's away

"I get it. You feel responsible. Maybes you pushes her too hard. But she tried to kill three members of our team." May and Coulson were face to face as she spoke

"If she wanted us dead. We'd be dead." Coulson speaks sternly

"We got lucky. You wanna rick our lives again?" May spoke to him softly

"You told me you were ready for combat. That you had my back." Coulson looks her in the eyes

"Don't ever doubt it. But you are defending this girl at the expense of the team." May never looked away and I couldn't help but disagree with her, if Clint didn't go out his way to save me, think I was good. I wouldn't be here right now.

"Because we protect our own." Coulson kept it short with May

"With all due respect, sir, she's not one of our own." Grant finally spoke to break the two up and I glare at him but I also see his and May's side on all of this.

"Hey." I say to grab everyone's attention to look at the screen, Amador was writing on a piece of paper

"Why does she have to ask permission?" Simmons asks softly. The paper read "Can I sleep?" and Stand By was written on the screen

"She's not being watched. She's being controlled. We have to find her. We'll take shifts watching the feed. Sooner or later, she'll look at something that will clue us in on her location." Coulson said loudly and clearly

"I'll take the first watch." May looked upset maybe more disappointed but still looked up at Coulson when she spoke, he just looks at her and walks away.

I follow Coulson up to his office so I could speak to him. I knock on the door and open it, he was already sitting down and looked up to me with his head on his hand

"She's still at the hotel. That's the update." I say then move into the room and close the door, he puts his arm down to the table

"All of this should never have happened." Coulson says to me

"It's okay, they'll all be fine. They trust you, It was just hard for them seeing you and May fight. You guys hold us together." I smile at the man

"That shouldn't have happened either. You regret coming along?" Coulson moves back in his seat and I sit down in front of him

"No. I trust you and I trust this team. I know what you value like all this old stuff" I look down to the shelf beside me and laugh "And I know you're an excellent judge of character picking all of us even Skye." I spoke and he smiled for a moment "If you believe this woman deserves a second chance, we need to give it to her. I wouldn't be here without a second chance." I told him but I knew that he already heard all the stories

"Does this take you back to those days? Being controlled?" Coulson frowned his eyebrows to me

"Yeah, a little more than other cases do but it was also different than what's happening with her. I understand what you're doing for Amador, It's the same thing Nat and Clint did for me but I also understand what May and Grant are saying, I know you do too." I speak softly and my accent slipped trough than it normally did, it always would when I talked about what happened

"Thank you, Lynn." He smiles at me and I nod as I get up

"Skye does kind of hate her guts for trying to kill her though" I laugh as I close the door and I walk to the bunk area, I go to knock on Grant's door but I hold off for a moment than I turn away to go into my bunk. Leaving the door open. There was a feeling I couldn't get rid of.

"Hey guys, wake up." I heard Fitz run up the stairs and shouting "May went to get Amador." I was the first one out of my room and the rest one by one until we got downstairs, We met Coulson by one of the cars.

"You'll all stay here, I want to be in and out. Ward, Skye be ready to go undercover when I get back. Roman get the interrogation room ready." Coulson said getting in the front seat of the blacked out car. I run upstairs to prep the interrogation and get the cameras ready. Ward, Skye and Fitz-Simmons went into the Lab.

May and Coulson dragged Amador into the interrogation room, Skye hacked into the feed and Fitz-Simmons made glasses to make it seem like Amador was following through with the mission, Ward was the one wearing them.

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