15. not the water bottle

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    The bus stops in a hidden part of the road with trees all over, Coulson turns around in the passenger seat "If Amador's here, she'll have to contact her buyer. Scan for cell phone transmissions, encrypted emails, anomalous broadcast signatures. Call us if you find anything that indicates her presence." He says unbuckling the seatbelt, loading his night night gun and getting out of the bus

"Maintain radio silence unless you really need help." Grant says also leaving from the front

"Good luck." I say opening the back door of the bus to join the two men

We walk down the long road together without saying much, we get into a part of town. There were couples walking, talking and kids on bikes.

"I can only imagine how painful this must be for you, sir. Betrayed by someone you trained and believed in." Grant finally broke the silence between the three of us

"We don't have all the facts yet." Coulson says not looking at the man walking beside me

"True, but I have to assume the worst. Amador sold out the other two agents on her mission." Grant speaks and Coulson stop in the middle on the road. "Wonder what she got in exchange." Grant continues

"I don't know. But until we do, I'm not gonna assume anything." Coulson walks off leaving Grant and I there.

"You weren't going to say anything?" Grant ask as he stands in front of me

"No, I see where the both of you are coming from" I start walking to catch up with Coulson "Just let him do this how he wants" I continue speaking as Grant follows me in the direction of Coulson

Coulson was showing a man something on his phone by the time we caught up to him, the man points to a building and my phones rings, it was Skye.

"Did you locate Amador?" I put the phone to my ear and ask as the three of us walk

"What? No. Not yet." Skye says over the phone and I look to the two man to nod my head no. "But we found a broadcast with some weird signal encrypted into it." She continues

"So you think she might be communicating in that signal?" I ask her to make sure I was understanding

"Maybe, but I called with an equally pressing question for you, my S.O. What are we supposed to do if we have to pee?" The girl asks me and I roll my eyes at her

"I'm pretty sure there's a container somewhere in there blue box." I say still walking with the men and she takes a second to speak again

"Not the water bottle?" She says sounding annoyed

"Yes the water bottle, If it's this important you'll guys use it." I say and she continues to complain about it until Grant takes the phone out of my hand

"Agent Coulson, Roman and I are trying to find a dangerous criminal. If there is nothing else pressing" Grant starts speaking to her but is cut off by something than he hands the phone back to me shaking his head, I put it into my pocket as we enter a hotel

"Good evening" Coulson said to the front desk lady in Russian and it made my skin crawl, I wanted to get out of there

"Good afternoon" The lady in red says in english as she places roses down on the desk in front of us

"I'm Agent Coulson, This is Agent Ward and Romanova." Coulson says and the woman stares at me as he talks, I go to put my hand on my gun and Grant moves it away. "We're looking for this young woman." Coulson pulls his phone out to show a picture of Amador

"Oh, she is my angel." The woman says and the three of us look at each other

"Why do you say that?" Grant questions her

"She has gift. Knows things. She told me to go to doctor. He found a tumor. I'm having surgery next week. This girl saved me." The woman in red tells us and again we just look at each other

"It's very important that we talk with her." Coulson tells the woman standing in front of us

"With her gift, I'm sure she knows you're coming." She leads forward a bit as she speaks

I get another call from Skye and I walk out of the building to answer it

"You got anything yet?" I ask with the phone up to my ear

"Yeah, actually, she just ran into us with a van." Skye says over the phone sounding in pain, I heard Fitz-Simmons in the back grunting in pain as well

"We're on our way." I say hanging up on her

I got back into the building in a rush, Coulson and Grant turn around. I move closer to them to speak "Amador just ran our people and our bus off the road." I say in a whisper

Coulson is the first one to leave the building with Grant and I not too far behind him, the three of us walk fast in silence to where the van was parked. When we got there it was flipped over on its side. Skye and Fitz-Simmons made it out and were standing on the road. Amador was no where to be found.

"Are you all okay?" Coulson ask as he moved over to the ground of three

"I've been better." Skye is the first one to answer him

"No." Fitz says loudly and Simmons stays quiet and smiles at us

The six of us try to find a way to flip the bus over and make it back to the plane, Coulson ends up calling May to have her wait for us and again we drive in silence. Skye messed around on her phone, Grant drove and Fitz-Simmons were in the back playing a game. Coulson looked out of the window, he looked disappointed and I was just happy to get out of there.

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