Friendship goes a long way

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On Tuesday, things work out fine at school. They do what they always do, meet where they always meet, talk to each other like nothing happened. Keeping it to themselves is actually a turn on and besides they both know what the others would say if they found out. If Stiles and Lydia are not the ones ruining it, the others won't be given the chance to do it, not until the pair figures it out. No one in the pack suspects anything.


Days go by without a hitch but by Saturday Lydia can't wait any longer. Stiles meets her at her house after lunch for some more studying and they actually do it; they study and do their homework and review their notes like they've done so many times. Around six, she asks him what he thinks about making it a more permanent thing: casual sex when they both want it, not too many strings attached. If it gets weird they'll back out. Stiles answers her by taking his shirt off and raising his eyebrows suggestively, his goofy grin all over his face. She laughs and lets her hair down while biting her lip at the sight of him. He kisses her.

This time they work on each other, finding out what the other wants and likes, discovering what makes the other breathless to the point of almost losing it. When they meet the rest of the pack for dinner that night, things seem like they always have. They are together as much as they are with the rest of the group and their normal bickering ensues like it normally does; nothing seems out of place. The pack is aware that Stiles and Lydia grew closer on the last few weeks since they started hanging out together again, so there's really not much else to suspect about. Only Scott notices there might be a little more color on their cheeks, maybe a brighter smile on both parts, but he doesn't say anything. Whether there's something there or not, Scott wouldn't want to mess with it.


It works. For some weird, unknown, higher reason they find their balance. On Sunday they get together again to have sex; same goes for next Tuesday and Friday after school. When they're not doing it, they still get together to study or enroll in an all-nighter to research for the pack. When they are not with each other, Lydia will meet with Kira while Stiles will meet with Scott or even Liam. They have sex again next Wednesday and Thursday. The following weekend, however, there's pack business. There's another banshee episode, another body found and they almost die as usual, so what was supposed to be another one of their special nights ends up with Stiles spooning with Lydia at 3am on his bed and just falling asleep as he whispers things in her ear to soothe her. It's the first night they spend together.


The Sheriff wakes up that Sunday to a certain strawberry blonde making him and his son breakfast while only wearing one of Stiles' oversized t-shirts and some shorts with her hair up carelessly. She looks tired and doesn't have any make-up on, which strikes the Sheriff as odd. She smiles and greets him when she sees the Sheriff standing in his kitchen, soon apologizing for spending the night without his consent, explaining they got in late and Stiles didn't want to leave her alone in her house; her mother is out again, like she always seems to be these days. The Sheriff dismisses her apology quickly and reassures her that everything is fine; he wouldn't want her to be alone either.

"Stiles is taking a shower, he'll be down in a minute," she says, handing the Sheriff a cup of coffee. They make small talk in the meantime, discussing last night's events and how the teens always seem to end up finding dead bodies and in danger. He tells her he worries about them. She assures him they are fine, that they are just a bit tired from the lack of sleep.

"So, hm... Is this a thing?" He says, gesturing up and down in her direction, alluding to her clothes and, implicitly, to her relationship with his son.

She blushes a little and sips on her coffee, not sure what to say. "We are good friends, me and Stiles." It's not a lie. "I think we're getting the hang of it, finally," she confesses, more to herself than for him to hear. She doesn't admit it too often but sometimes she feels guilty for not having noticed Stiles before or, after they finally started to know each other, for not giving him a real chance in the beginning, either as a friend or something more.

Stydia - One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora