Part 11

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The next morning, Molly was up bright and early. She made to sit up, but was still groggy, and it made her feel a bit dizzy. She babbled softly past her dummy, kicking her legs.

Moriarty slid out of bed and walked over to mollys bassinet. He smiled down at her and scooped her up, checking her nappy right away. He was surprised to find that it was clean.

"How's my baby girl today?" He cooed, kissing the top of mollys head. He carried her down to the kitchen and prepared a bottle, bringing her into the living room and sitting on the couch.

Molly snuggled close to Moriarty as he removed her dummy, replacing it with the bottle. She drank contentedly, looking up at Moriarty.

He smiled, glad that she was over her little grudge.

Moriarty heard a soft cry, muffled. He was sure it was John. He could wait a while longer.

Molly heard it too, and she lifted her head, looking around, unlatching from the bottle.

"Hey now, poppet, finish your bottle." Moriarty cooed, guiding the bottle back into Molly's mouth. She looked around for a minute more, but soon returned to drinking the milk.

Once the bottle was empty, Moriarty held Molly to his shoulder and burped her, popping the dummy back in her mouth.

"Let's go get you some toys, and you can play in mummy and daddy's room." Moriarty said, carrying Molly back upstairs. He wanted the babies to be as far from the basement as they could be, so that they wouldn't know anyone else was in the house.

Moriarty laid Molly on her tummy on the floor and put a rattle and a couple teddy bears in front of her.

"Can you keep and eye on her? I have to check on something, then I'll get Sherlock up." He said to Irene. She nodded, and Moriarty went back downstairs.

Once her got to the basement, Moriarty opened the door to John's room, glancing around. The doctor was huddled in the corner, head against the wall. As Moriarty got closer, he could hear him crying.

John looked over his shoulder, but turned back to face the wall when he saw Moriarty.

"Something got you down?" Moriarty asked with a smirk. He reached out and turned John around, pressing down on his nappy.

John struggled against him, spitting the dummy out.

"Let go of me! You're mad!" John yelled, kicking Moriarty shins.

Moriarty tutted. "You're the one who wanted to join me. I was just doing you a favor. Now, would you like your nappy changed?" Moriarty said.

"You only put this on me because I pissed myself!" John cried, face pink. He was ready to throw in the towel and ask to be let go already.

Moriarty picked up the dummy and carried it out of the room, rinsing it off at the sink. He returned, placing it back in John's mouth.

"Keep that in, and I'll get you cleaned up." He said, laying John down on the floor. John began to kick, trying to keep Moriarty at bay. The criminal simply held his legs together, rendering him still.

"If I can keep Sherlock calm, I can definitely keep you in line. The sooner you cooperate, the sooner I'll get out of your hair." Moriarty said quietly, looking at John with stern eyes.

John stopped struggling, squinting his eyes shut. He began crying quietly, feeling helpless. Moriarty grabbed a spare nappy, wipes and baby powder, returning to the small room.

Moriarty had John cleaned up in no time, fastening the clean nappy around his waist. He rolled John onto his side, patting his bum before getting up and leaving, shutting the door.

When Moriarty got back upstairs, he washed his hands before walking into Sherlock's nursery, scooping him up.

"Morning bubba." He cooed, kissing his forehead. He laid him down on the changing table, removing his onesie and nappy.

Sherlock closed his eyes sleepily as he was changed, calmly sucking on his dummy.

"Such a good boy, lockie. My sweet boy." Moriarty praised. He wiped Sherlock clean and powdered him before taping a clean nappy to his waist. He stepped out to wash his hands, coming back shortly after. He picked Sherlock up and carried him into the master bedroom, sitting on the floor next to Molly, Sherlock cradled in his arms.

"Can you go grab a bottle for Sherlock? I'll stay with the babies." He said.

"Sure." Irene said, getting up. She knelt down next to Moriarty. "How is he?" She asked quietly, referring to John.

"I'll tell you later. Little ears are around." Moriarty replied quietly. Irene left, shutting the door. Moriarty looked down at molly, still laying on her tummy.

"Poppet," he cooed, and she glanced up at him with big eyes. "Hi baby girl." He said, rubbing her back.

Irene returned a few minutes later, handing Moriarty the bottle and scooping up Molly. She sat next to Moriarty, kissing the top of mollys head.

Sherlock drank his bottle cooperatively, eyes opening and shutting. Moriarty chuckled.

"Such a sleepy little one." He said, adjusting Sherlock so that he was sitting more comfortably. After his bottle, Moriarty boosted Sherlock up to his shoulder and burped him, rubbing his back.

The parents sat with the babies for a few more minutes before laying them down in their bassinets, an early nap much needed.

After the two were tucked in, Moriarty and Irene went down to the kitchen to chat.

"He wet himself?" Irene asked, stunned. Moriarty nodded.

"I'm not planning for him to be here much longer, so I'm not gonna go through the process of regressing him, but this may keep him in line." Moriarty replied, taking a sip of tea. "I think mollys forgiven me, she wasn't fussy  when I held her. I might test out and see if she'll try crawling, and if she doesn't, it's safe to say that we've gotten somewhere with her regression."

Irene nodded.

They could hear molly begin to cry, and Moriarty ran upstairs. He walked into the master bedroom, walking over to mollys bassinet.

"What's the matter, baby?" He cooed, pressing down on her nappy. It was soaked. Moriarty went to get changing supplies and returned, scooping Molly up and laying her down on the floor.

Molly fussed as her nappy was removed, and Moriarty wiped her clean.

"Shh, daddy's got you. You're almost done." He soothed, powdering her. He placed a clean nappy under her bum and set her down, securing the happy around her waist.

Mollys cries turned to sniffles as Moriarty washed his hands, walking back over to Molly and scooping her up.

"They're there, love. Everything's alright." He said, patting mollys bum gently. She rested her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes. "Let's get you back to bed."

Moriarty laid Molly back down in her bassinet and left the room, going to check on Sherlock.

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