Part 7

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Moriarty walked into Sherlock's nursery, looking into the bassinet and smiling at his baby boy.

"Good morning, lockie. Are you ready to start the day?" He cooed softly, reaching in to scoop the boy up. He did a quick nappy check, quite surprised to find that it was clean. Usually it would be dirty by now, or at the very least, wet.

Sherlock babbled softly behind his dummy. He was still sleepy, but he was rather hungry.

Moriarty carried him down to the kitchen where they saw Irene at the counter, sipping coffee.

"Good morning, love. Are you being so good for daddy?" She asked with a smile.

"He is." Moriarty replied, kissing Irene's cheek. "How's molly? Is she up yet?" He added, preparing a bottle for Sherlock.

"Let's find out." Irene said. She turned on the video baby monitor in the basement nursery. Ever since Molly had climbed out of her bassinet, they couldn't trust her to behave alone.

The feed showed molly laying still, crying quietly behind her dummy.

"Aww, poor baby." Moriarty said, pouting for emphasis.

"I'll go get her ready for the day. I'll be back in a few minutes." Irene said. She put down the monitor and went back to the basement.

Moriarty carried Sherlock and the bottle into the living room, cosying up on the couch.


Irene walked up to Molly's bassinet, cooing. "Hey now, poppet, what's got you so upset?" She asked, smoothing Molly's hair back.

Molly blinked up at her, sucking on her soother. Irene pressed a hand down on Molly's nappy and clicked her tongue.

"Let's get this yucky nappy changed, that will help you to feel better." Irene said, grabbing the changing supplies.

Molly barely fussed as Irene discarded the wet nappy and wiped her clean, sprinkling baby powder on the before taping her into a clean nappy.

"There we go, all clean. Now, let's go get you a bottle, and you can see daddy and Sherlock." Irene said, picking molly up and carrying her upstairs.

Molly laid her head on Irene's shoulder and blinked, trying to keep herself awake. She was still tired and just wanted to lay down.

Moriarty cooed quietly to Sherlock as he fed him, and Sherlock sniffled softly behind the bottle. Moriarty looked up at Irene and Molly and smiled.

"There's my baby girl. Are you feeling better, poppet?" He asked softly.

Molly whimpered and hid her face in Irene's shoulder. She had nothing to say to Moriarty.

Irene cradled Molly close as she fed her her bottle, kissing her forehead gently.

"Such a grumpy little baby you are today. Daddy loves you, he just wanted to say hi." Irene crooned.


Lestrade looked up slowly at the clock. He was exhausted and desperately needed sleep, but he couldn't rest until Molly was safe.

John glanced at him and rested a gentle hand on his shoulder, offering empathetic eyes.

"Greg, you need sleep. I'll keep cracking on with this investigation." He said.

Lestrade shook his head, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

"I can't, not until Molly is home." He argued stubbornly.

"You can." John replied.

"But-" lestrade began before John cut him off.

"Doctor's orders." John smiled, standing the man and guiding him upstairs. Lestrade didn't argue as they trudged up to his room. He just about passed out the moment his head hit the pillow.

"John." He croaked, cracking his eyes open again.

John hummed and looked down at the other.

"Can you stay with me? Just for a minute or two."

John nodded and sat down in a chair near lestrade's bed. He wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and folded his arms over his chest, closing his eyes for a quick moment.

John groaned and stretched, sitting up. He shook Greg's shoulder, waiting for the man to stir.

"What?" Lestrade asked, coming to.

"We need to get back to work. Come on, let's go." He said, standing up. Lestrade followed, still groggy. He paused and stepped back into his room, grabbing Molly's blankie. He didn't have his baby girl to hold, and he just wanted to be reminded of her as they worked on how to bring her home.

As the pair talked, the door opened and mycroft strolled in.

"Hey mycroft." John spoke, glancing at the man.

"Hello gentlemen. Have you found anything yet?" He asked, joining the two at the kitchen table.

"No, but we're working on it." Lestrade replied, draping the blanket over his shoulders.

Mycroft gave a small smile, patting the other on the shoulder.

"I know you love her very much. We'll get her back before long." Mycroft assured, filling the others in on the small search party he's put together.


Irene and Moriarty sat on the couch, drinking tea, while Molly and Sherlock lay in their rockers. They each had a dummy in their mouth, although Molly was biting it as opposed to sucking on it.

"You'll ruin your dummy like that, darling." Irene cooed, smiling at molly.

The girl just huffed, spitting the dummy out. Moriarty tutted and walked over to the babies, crouching in front of molly.

Just before he could say anything, Sherlock began crying.

"What's the matter, lockie? What's got you so upset?" He asked, turning his attention on the once brilliant detective.

Moriarty unbuckled Sherlock from the swing and held him close, patting his bum. He hummed as he realized just what was wrong.

"Uh oh, did you use your nappy, pal? Is that why you're so sad?" Moriarty cooed. He carried Sherlock upstairs, humming quietly.

Molly watched him go and looked back at Irene, a pout on her face. She was ready to cry. Irene walked over to Molly and unbuckled her / scooping her up.

"Poppet, whats gotten into you? Are you sad because your brother was crying?" Irene crooned, swaying gently with Molly.

The small girl was about to argue when she felt her nappy grow wet. Her face went hot and she began to cry, burying her face in Irene's shoulder.

"Okay, let's change that nappy." Irene said, laying Molly down on the floor. She grabbed a fresh nappy, wipes and powder.

Irene soothed Molly as she changed her nappy, working quickly and effectively. Once Molly was in a clean nappy, Irene went to wash her hands.

Molly kicked up even more of a fuss when she saw her mummy leave, crying louder.

Irene returned to find Molly with her arms out, reaching to be picked up. Her heart melted as she  picked the girl up, pressing kisses on her head.

Molly nested her face in Irene's chest, listening to her heartbeat. She slowly calmed down as Irene rocked her and cooed softly to her, rubbing her back.

"There there, Molly. Everything is fine, love. You just take  a nice little nap, mummy's not gonna let you go." Irene soothed.

Molly finally fell asleep, exhausted.

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