John had finally stopped crying, exhausted to continue. He sniffled, blinking to clear his eyes of tears.

"Aww, is someone upset?" Came moriarty's coo. "Maybe we should get you a dummy, that ought to calm you down."

John grimaced, and Moriarty chuckled.

"Only joking, let me have some fun."

John glared at Moriarty, worry creasing his brow again. He needed to know how Sherlock and Molly were doing.

"Let me see my friends." He said, a bit more harshly than intended. Moriarty merely tutted at him.

"Let me see my friends, please?" John tried, looking up at Moriarty with a hopeful expression. The criminal placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly, shaking his head.

"I've already told you why you can't, and yet you're still asking like a little boy. Acting pathetic won't get you anywhere," Moriarty chided.

John began fighting against the ropes, rocking the chair aggressively.

"And now you're just being naughty." Moriarty sighed.

John huffed and sat still, clenching his fist. He needed to get out of this chair and get back to lestrade and Mycroft so they could rework their plan.

Moriarty brought another syringe to John's shoulder, and the doctor whimpered. 

"Don't worry, this will only pinch a bit." Moriarty soothed, injecting John with another sedative. "I'm gonna send my partner your way to come see you. I think you could use someone more nurturing than me to talk to." Moriarty said, smoothing John's hair back. He left the room, and John sat in wait, trying not to fall asleep again.


Lestrade and Mycroft sat in Lestrade's car, a block away from the house. Lestrade was very antsy, clenching and unclenching his fist.

"It would be so easy to just run in and grab them." Lestrade grumbled, staring out the window.

"Patience Greg." Mycroft said smoothly. "Moriarty is a dangerous man, I'd rather wait for backup to arrive before we go in guns blazing."

Lestrade scoffed.

"I'm not afraid of a little danger. I know who we're dealing with." Lestrade replied. He looked in the direction of the house again before frowning. "Where's John? He was supposed to be in and out."


Moriarty sat in Sherlock's nursery, Molly tucked into his arms. Sherlock was asleep in his bassinet, dummy bobbing in his mouth.

"I know you haven't been very cooperative for me, poppet, but I know that you're just scared. Poor baby's been away for so long that she couldn't remember her daddy." Moriarty cooed softly.

Molly laid still, sleepy. She was getting mixed signals from everyone, and it was hard to keep track of anymore. Moriarty wanted to be her daddy, but he was so strict and treated her so young, whereas lestrade had been so flexible, and genuinely cared for her wellbeing.

"Are you ready for sleep? It's been a big day." Moriarty said, seeing Molly's eyes begin to droop. He stood and carried her to the master bedroom, where her bassinet had been moved to. The last thing he needed was for the babies to know someone was there to try and take them away.

Molly didn't fight as she was set down in her bassinet, Moriarty cooing at her. He checked her nappy, and kissed her forehead.

"Daddy will see you in the morning. Sweet dreams, baby girl." He said, turning out the light and leaving the room.


John lifted his head as he heard footsteps ahead of him. He was greeted by Irene Adler, who strode over to him.

"My my, who's a sight for sore eyes?" She tutted, looking at John's tired face. The doctor glanced at her hands, where she held some sort of baton or other.

Irene sensed the tension and smiled.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I won't hurt you. I just like to have an extra security measure with me." She soothed, reaching out a hand to stroke John's cheek. "You've been down here for a while, yeah? How about some food?"

John shook his head, looking down. He just wanted to get out of here. His bladder twinged, and ge realized it's been some time since he's used the loo.

"Anything you need, love?" Irene cooed.

John didn't answer. He just put his head down, trying to focus on holding it. Irene left the room, shutting off the light.

As soon as he was alone, John's bladder gave out. He hung his head in shame, silently scolding himself.

The door opened again, and Moriarty stepped into the room. He turned on the light, immediately seeing something was off.

"What's the matter?" He asked, walking over to John. It was then that he noticed that the chair was wet, and smirked. "Did someone have an accident?" He asked.

John merely whimpered. He felt horrible.

"That's alright. We'll get you cleaned up." Moriarty said. He untied the ropes just enough to detach John from the chair, but tightened and tied them again to restrict his movements. He laid John down on the floor, leaving the room to grab something.

John had a horrible feeling about this. He considered getting up and making a break for it, get out of moriarty's way, but then he'd just be abandoning his friends.

Moriarty returned in no time, holding something in his hands. John took a closer look and was horrified to find that it was a nappy.

"No!" He yelled, struggling against the ropes. Moriarty knelt beside him and injected him with a muscle relaxer in his leg.

"This could have been avoided. Maybe I would have let you use the loo like a big boy, but you lost out, and now you need to face the consequences." Moriarty admonished as he wiped John clean with baby wipes, taping the thick nappy to John's waist.

John tried to fight, but it was useless. He cried out again, cursing Moriarty.

He was so wrapped up in his anger that he didn't hear the criminal leave the room, much less return.

"Such a colorful vocabulary, that really won't do." Moriarty chided, popping a dummy into John's mouth. Much like the one Molly had had when she arrived, it was oversized and didn't allow John to speak properly.

John simply cried, and Moriarty smoothed his hair back.

"You May look the part, but I really don't think you'd fit in with my family. You can stay for now, but you won't get to see Molly and Sherlock again."

With that, Moriarty left the room and shut the door, leaving poor John to his own devices.

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